
From Holden:

Check out this intance of Pot-Kettlism in the last paragraph of the latest spat between nuclear hegemons.

While President Bush has urged North Korea to return to those talks, the language used by both sides has escalated sharply of late. In a prime-time news conference on Thursday, the president referred to Mr. Kim as a “tyrant.”

Two days later, North Korea, which has often shown a sensitivity to such language, termed the president a “philistine” and a “hooligan.”

Mr. Card in turn accused Mr. Kim of leading a repressive government that has dangerously proliferated weapons while denying its people both democratic freedoms and basic necessities.

Now, switch the names around in the last paragraph and follow your cursor.

Mr. Kim in turn accused Mr. Bush of leading a repressive government that has dangerously proliferated weapons while denying its people both democratic freedoms and basic necessities.
