4 thoughts on ““Cavutos”

  1. The print version of the speech from NewsMax makes some clever deletions and changes to the speech. Here’s a few phrases that were changed.
    (I’m not an expert in Spanish, so I include the Spanish text.)
    NM: It [Chomsky’s book] appears in English, in Russian, in Arabic, in German.
    [Est publicado en ingls, en alemn, en ruso, en rabe (aplausos) seguramente.]
    [It is published in English, German, Russian—
    [NewsMax rearranges the languages to avoid reporting the actual emphasis. The applause, often massive, is completely ignored by the NM editors throughout.]
    NM: As the spokesman of imperialism, he came to share his nostrums, to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world.
    [Como vocero del Imperialismo vino a dar sus recetas para tratar de mantener el actual esquema de dominacin, de explotacin y de saqueo a los pueblos del mundo.]
    [Like the spokesman of imperialism he came to give his prescriptions for treatment, to maintain the current plan of domination, of exploitation, and of sacking the cities of the world.]
    [NewsMax generalizes to ‘people’ the clear statement: the sacking of cities.]
    As Chomsky says here, clearly and in depth, the American empire is doing all it can to consolidate its system of domination.
    [Es decir, el Imperialismo norteamericano, y aqu lo dice Chomsky con una claridad meridiana y profunda, est siendo desesperados esfuerzos por consolidar su sistema hegemnico de dominacin.]
    [That is to say, the northamerican imperialism — and here Chomsky says it with a dazzling (noon-like) clarity and profundity — is involved in desperate efforts to consolidate its hegemonic system of domination.]
    [The word ‘desperate’ is left off.]
    NM: What a strange democracy.
    [¡Vaya qu democracia!]
    [Fancy that democracy!]
    [Chavez does not use the word ‘strange.’]
    NM: Aristotle might not recognize it or others who are at the root of democracy. What type of democracy do you impose with marines and bombs?
    [Habra que revisar las tesis de Aristteles y de los primeros que hablaron por all en Grecia de la democracia a ver qu modelo de democracia es ese, el que se impone a punta de marines, de invasiones, de agresiones, y de bombas.]
    NM: We have to revise the thesis of Aristotle and the ancients who spoke over there in Greece about democracy when we see which model of democracy this is — that which is imposed with Marines, invasions, aggressions, and with bombs.]
    [NewsMax’s leaves out “invasion and aggression.”]

  2. I messed up the final bracket. It should have been like this:
    NM: Aristotle might not recognize it or others who are at the root of democracy. What type of democracy do you impose with marines and bombs?
    [Habra que revisar las tesis de Aristteles y de los primeros que hablaron por all en Grecia de la democracia a ver qu modelo de democracia es ese, el que se impone a punta de marines, de invasiones, de agresiones, y de bombas.]
    [We have to revise the thesis of Aristotle and the ancients who spoke over there in Greece about democracy when we see which model of democracy this is — that which is imposed with Marines, invasions, aggressions, and with bombs.]
    [NewsMax’s leaves out “invasion and aggression.”]
    — Paul in LA

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