Dems: Cat 5 Levees

Category 5 levee protection in New Orleans is essential for the city’s recovery and Dems arelooking toward that goal…

WASHINGTON — With polls predicting a Democratic takeover in the House elections next month, frustrated congressmen from the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast unveiled their wish list Thursday for a post-Katrina agenda.

The package by Reps. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., and Charlie Melancon, D-Napoleonville, reads partly as a list of grievances — particularly against the insurance industry — that they weren’t able to address in the Republican-controlled Congress in the year after the August 2005 hurrican


Despite a promise to rebuild the area higher and safer, the Bush administration has avoided committing to hurricane protection much beyond what was in place when Katrina, a Category 3 storm, shredded New Orleans’ levees and floodwalls. But Democrats say the substantial investment would be worth it to avoid a replay of what turned out to be the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history.

“The cost is far outweighed by the maybe $300 billion in losses from Hurricane Katrina,” Melancon said.

Oyster expects Bush would veto legislation for Cat 5 categories and asks…”So, the question becomes– after Bush vetoes a Cat 5 flood protection bill– how does Louisiana respond?”

Who knows but I do like that the possibilites can hopefully be addressed after November. It’s another reason to GOTV…for NOLA