Today on Athenae’s Obsession with the Freepi

It’s an immigration meltdown:

bush has decided that we (the base) no longer matter.

I called the White House and told the message taker that I was deeply insulted that the President felt that I, a person who voted for him twice, didn’t want to do what’s right for America.

I told them he was the one that wasn’t doing the right thing for America by not repelling this invasion and giving amnesty to 20 million people who shouldn’t be here.

I never thought I’d say this about a speech by the CIC; but where’s the BARF alert.

Amnesty for 12-20+million illegals is about the last thing going that GW can use as his legacy.

The WoT sort of went south.
The War in Iraq sort of went south.
GW even had to call in a special War Czar for those.

The big Social Security push at the start of his 2nd term quickly foundered.

There isn’t much left except what he can push to further the one-world global vision of GHWB – Amnesty for illegals, NAU, SPP, TransHighway.

Next year, both parties will be too busy with primaries and conventions and the general election to do much business, so GW needs to finalize his legacy this year.

And Amnesty for Illegals is all he’s got.

The best part comes later in the thread, when a commenter tells the guy who thinks the base no longer matters to Bush that it never really did.

Between this and the Giuliani purge, Free Republic is becoming the bright spot in my daily reading.


5 thoughts on “Today on Athenae’s Obsession with the Freepi

  1. Oh, man. Can you figure out a way to bottle this stuff?
    ‘Cause I wanna get drunk on it. I wanna bathe in it. And I will pay handsomely for it. Just too too funny.

  2. I called the White House and told the message taker that I was deeply insulted that the President felt that I, a person who voted for him twice, didn’t want to do what’s right for America.
    Yours in indignant perpetuity,
    Ignatius J. Reilly

  3. Going back and reading all about the anti-Bush purge, it really seemed like they were adrift after Clinton’s term was almost over. They no longer had anything to be cheesed off about.

  4. Chicken hawks who have never worn a uniform referring to the deserter George Bush as their Commander in Chief really pisses me off.
    Civilians don’t have a Commander in Chief.

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