Ah, The Culture of Life: Babies = Penalties

Seriously, you need to give birth to punish you for being such a filthy whore:

Liberal parents put their daughters on birth control as soon as they reach puberty in order to avoid pregnancy — certainly inviting them to participate without penalty.

A number of things:

1. So a pregnancy is a penalty? I thought, in the minds of the pro-life contingent, a pregnancy was a precious miracle from God that was not to be screwed with by doctors or legislators. Which is it? It can’t be a miracle and a smiting at the same time.

2. And people — daughters only, presumably, since the writer mentions nothing about our young men being given condoms along with their lunch money by all those pinko adults — should be punished for “participating” in the wild hedonistic culture of having S E X.

3. Plenty of conservative parents put their children on birth control, if the Republican-voting district in which my high school was located was any indication.

4. Not to be gross, but parents also “put” their daughters on birth control (as if they grind it up and put it in the orange juice instead of taking the kid to the doctor) to ease menstrual difficulties. Of course, if asked, I’m sure the above authority on women’s health and safety would advocate young girls be incapacitated by pain each month just to remind them what imperfect beings they are.

5. But I can’t take any of this seriously because in the final paragraph of this diatribe we get this:

Sodomy is celebrated.

Y’all have been holding out on me. Fine. Don’t invite me to the sodomy bash. See if I care. See if I ever read any of your blogwhoring e-mails again.


12 thoughts on “Ah, The Culture of Life: Babies = Penalties

  1. yes, of course it’s punishment. before modern medicine many women DIED. the ultimate punishment for being whores.
    because rugrats are a blessing.

  2. Sodomy is celebrated.
    Well, it IS Pride Month, and the sodomy and celebration does distract us from the taxation without representation, the fact we can’t marry, and especially that all the applause given to that loudmouth bitch Rosie, who’s getting first crack at all the “good” innocent children we could be adopting and corrupting as we lounge around cohabitating and twitching all we want and NOT getting pregnant.

  3. Don’t you know?
    Sex is something nasty, dirty, filthy, and sinful that you should save for the one person in life you love more than all others.
    If you DO have sex, you are to be cruelly punished with the greatest gift available–children.
    Wasn’t that easy?

  4. If you DO have sex, you are to be cruelly punished with the greatest gift available–children.
    As the mother of a moody teen, this made me LOL.

  5. They were sent to live with some distant relative until the baby was born, then some fabrication was dreamed up that allowed them to bring the child home, or the baby was put up for adoption. This wasn’t the most compassionate thing to do, but compared to what’s going on today, it sufficed.
    Gosh, it was better when we hid pregnant girls and then lied when they brought home babies or gave the “consequences” away. Sure, it wasn’t nice, but it was better than being embarassed about the fact that teenagers have sex. Surely this had no negative effect on the parents, the children or society at large…
    or – wait! – maybe the emotional damage due to all that lying and shame is WHY people pushed for changes that allow for the acceptance of normal human behavior. But keep on believing that it came out of nowhere.
    p.s. There are tons of traditional families around me. Where exactly does this person hang out that there are sodomy celebrations?

  6. It’s not really about the sex. It’s about spreading the frame of “liberals” supporting immoral behavior.
    And you gotta love the conservative obsession with sodomy, really. It’s like their favorite subject…

  7. Great comments, all! and donna’s point is pretty much made by yesterday’s Ace o’ Spades post about Glenn Greenwald’s presumed sexual life. “conservative obsession with sodomy?” The word obsession is too tame for the display Ace puts on. It seems, from the detail he gives his fantasy projections, that they are practically monomaniacs on the subject.

  8. They were sent to live with some distant relative until the baby was born, then some fabrication was dreamed up that allowed them to bring the child home, or the baby was put up for adoption. This wasn’t the most compassionate thing to do, but compared to what’s going on today, it sufficed.
    so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ’em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say.
    “Now where were we? Oh yeah — the important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones…”

  9. Could the writer of this rant be any more blatantly bitterly jealous of all the sweet sweet temptation NOT coming his way?? I mean, seriously.

  10. If sodomy is celebrated so much, how come all those liberals are putting their daughters on birth control? It seems like it wouldn’t be necessary.

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