19 thoughts on “Saturday Blogwhoring Thread: Now With More Whoring!

  1. well, there is gonna be a very special toesday, special for the new year. and a new series of random objects today. kitty porn art and the usual. and continuing travels with Benedicte in iowa in 1999.

  2. I’ve been taking a break from mostly political stuff lately by actually talking about the only thing I think about more than politics: Astronomy. It is my profession, after all. So I’ve begun writing link-rich beginners’ guides to the constellations. I plan to do all that are easily visible in the Northern hemisphere eventually, and I’ve done a dozen so far.
    I spend the first 5-10 minutes of each lecture (I teach at small to medium sized college) just wandering through a constellation (with pretty pictures), and these posts are an example of what I talk about.

  3. Living in northern MO, I get the benefit of all the political stuff going on in Iowa.
    As of late, Huckabee seems to be making a lot of jokes about actions to people who don’t agree with him. (Yesterday was: That bird had a Huck pin on so I didn’t shoot it / That bird was gonna caucas for someone else so I shot it. Today was if your neighbor is going to caucus for someone else, keep them in the house. Shovel snow in their driveway…)
    While I can see these as harmless banter, he seems somewhat hung up on making these jokes.
    I may be too touchy about this, but considering the recent history of political violence and the dirty election tricks (especially the last 8 years), I really wonder if it is wise to repeatedly make such jokes on national TV in consideration that some folks may take him literally. And I further have to ask if he has already considered this and doing it anyway in hopes that certain actions may be taken by others.

  4. MapleStreet, the dude has serious psychological problems and he is not okay. I mean, who SAYS that kind of shit?
    We’ve had eight years of a needy insecure man and the needy insecure people who gravitate towards such a bully. Let’s please thanks elect somebody this time who is secure in the size of his or her ‘hood and doesn’t need the voters to provide that validation. Jesus, you know?

  5. A, did you see the video up at Watertigers? It’s the vid in the Giuliani/Dracula post- Firefighters for Dodd.
    In case your ardor is waning…

  6. Thanks all. Glad to know that I’m not alone on this. Now if the authorities would see his words as incitement.
    A, you mentioned Jesus. Huck is also running a political ad about how he is defined by faith.
    Now I personally would like a person of faith. But Huck’s entire wording seems to imply that *HE AND ONLY HE* of the 3 billion people on the earth (let’s make that 5 billion to include those who have lived in the past also) has faith. BLECH!

  7. I could care less about a candidate’s ‘faith’ (real or imagined). I would vote for a Satanist if he/she were freakin’ competent and intelligent and knew what they were on about. I am like a plastic surgeon w/malaise driving them to change career paths in that I have seen enough leaky boobs put in positions of power that do nothing but poison the well.
    I am Pagan, and I vote – I vote for America’s FUTURE (what we can reclaim of it, that is…)

  8. I am like a plastic surgeon w/malaise driving them to change career paths in that I have seen enough leaky boobs put in positions of power that do nothing but poison the well.
    Damn, Elspeth, you can turn a phrase…

  9. Virgotex, thank you very much! I am doing my best to try to carry Xristi’s guidon.
    Damn, but I miss her! I know she’s busy at the mo’, as she is getting Tatiana the Siberian tiger acclimated to her new surroundings sans idiot boys. (and for the boy she killed, I should think he should spend his intern years in the afterlife shoveling the litterboxes – or possibly be sent back as a big cat conservationist!)
    Peace and flaky biscuits w/molasses for b’fast!

  10. (@)(#&@)&%$+#@#@!!! My computer or the connection or whatnot ate my response…brackafratzin’…!?!!!!)
    – here I go trying to recall –
    Virgotex, thank you VERY much for the mention! I am doing my best to be inspired by Xristi, to carry her guidon as best I can.
    Damn, but I miss her! I figure she’s up ‘there’ somewhere w/the vast menagerie of creatures and people she wants to be with. I can imagine her busying herself w/getting Tatiana (that Siberian tiger) acclimated to her new surroundings that do not feature taunting by late-adolescent boys and idiot cops that yell “Stop!” at a wild animal (WTF were they thinking? “Yeah, this will make her drop her human rag toy and sit quietly while we cuff her…”?!?!).
    Anyhoo – as for the kid that fared the worst – if he did bring this on, I hope he spends his intern afterlife years shoveling litter boxes, or more positively, maybe he gets sent back to be a big cat conservationist to make up for his idiot behavior. And for his living companions, they SHOULD come clean about bringing this on and have to do public service by working at the zoo and learn to understand the pickle they created and how to protect, not taunt, the vanishing wildlife we have to sadly keep in micro-environments.
    Okay, stepping off of soapbox and going to fix b’fast.
    Peace and flaky biscuits w/molasses syrup all!

  11. isn’t the internets great!
    i just hope the survivors are grievously maimed for taunting the kitty and getting her killed.
    humans are not endangered.

  12. ah, the wily double post demon! It’s bested us all at one time or another. Back a few months when my home internet access was limited to my Blackberry, I managed several quadruple posts here at F-D.
    Xristi welcoming Tatiana is a comforting thought indeed.
    Chris over atCreek Running North had a good post about the tiger attack and what a crappy zoo that is, how inadequate (even by zoo standards) their big cat enclosures are.

  13. isn’t the internets great!
    i just hope the survivors are grievously maimed for taunting the kitty and getting her killed.
    humans are not endangered.

  14. Hmmm, if the surviving taunters fully recover, they will probably be prime future front-runners for the Rethuglicans seeing as the thugs love to taunt and torture things not of their ‘set’ (animals and people alike).

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