Your President Speaks!

Yesterday, inWashington, in honor of Dr. King.

The Serve DC

We appreciate very much the Serve D.C. that is working to inspire volunteerism, and I want to thank this beautiful library for hosting us.

What He Just Got

I just got a couple of comments I want to say.

What Our Fellow Citizens Have Got

And our fellow citizens have got to understand that by loving a neighbor like you’d like to be loved yourself, by reaching out to someone who hurts, by just simply living a life of kindness and compassion, you can make America a better place and fulfill the dream of Martin Luther King.

2 thoughts on “Your President Speaks!

  1. I hate to say it, but the politicization of some many aspects of life really makes me question my involvement in several volunteer actitivies. For example, I’m involved in a CERT (Citizen’s Emergency Response Team), but I’m sick and tired of hearing the terror-drum-beat and sick and tired of seeing the disconnect of what happened to volunteers with 9/11 and Katrina.

  2. ” by reaching out to someone who hurts, by just simply living a life of kindness and compassion, you can make America a better place and fulfill the dream of Martin Luther King.”
    Er, no. Clearly he has mistaken the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. for Pat Your Negro’s Head Day, now illegal in 37 states.

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