9 thoughts on “My Marriage Is Safe

  1. So nice to see how God’s Values can be used by medical professionals to torture others in their time of need.

  2. No matter what one feels about homosexuality and whether it should be legally recognized by marriage, this is just incredibly cruel.

  3. Your marriage would be safer in Massachusetts — happier and gayer marriages than any other state, apparently (I’ve opted for a happy marriage, myself).
    I was about to say that I was really surprised that the doctors would do something like that, and then I thought of HIPPA (healthcare privacy blah-blah-blah, and it is serious stuff). That might have something to do with it — a non-spouse is a non-person, banned by law from all sorts of stuff. And even if it wasn’t HIPPA, the hospital will surely claim it was HIPPA.

  4. wait, i thought we were ok with lesbians. guys seem to like watching them.
    thanks georgie and KKKarl. i’m sure the cheeney’s are ok with this.

  5. Pansy, how dare you invade the privacy of Cheney’s lesbian daughter, who lives in sin with her girlfriend, violating all of the laws of nature. Cheney doesn’t consider his daughter to be a pawn in this dirty political stuff all aimed at outing Cheney’s lesbian daughter, whose job was to do outreach to the gay-lesbian community for that liberal beer company in Colorado. Cheney’s lesbian daughter should be allowed her privacy so she can continue to live in sin with her girlfriend, get paid for pandering to the community which she is one with, and still work to seek the election of men who hate that community, but not her, because she is Cheney’s lesbian daughter.
    Far be it from me to mention that Cheney has a lesbian daughter.

  6. There must be some way to designate someone as an acceptable-for-HIPPA family substitute. There are plenty of people all over the place who don’t have any direct family available in emergencies. I know two people off the top of my head who have designated a friend as their medical proxy (through power of attorney) to make decisions if they are incapacitated. Doesn’t that (the power of attorney) override HIPPA? If it doesn’t, there’s a very serious problem with that law.
    If it does, then this story is one more very painful reminder to everyone to get that sort of thing set up while you’re healthy. This goes for straight couples who aren’t married, and married couples who want to make sure they don’t end up like Terri Schiavo. Living wills, powers of attorney, all that stuff becomes really important when an emergency like this happens. And it can happen to *anyone*. Like the 21-year-old student I know who had a stroke two years ago. You really want the law on your side when your loved one needs you.

  7. BuggyQ – you’re right on the money. Under HIPPAA, you can designate anyone you want to be able to discuss your medical condition and anyone you don’t want to not be able to discuss your medical condition.
    But if you’re taken to the ER while not being of “sound Mind and body”, it can all go out the window real quick.
    This also includes signing a durable power of attorney (If I become incapacitate, I designate that Buggy Q can control these affairs of mine but not this list) and living will (including conditions on which you would or would not want someone else to decide on resuscitation).
    Finally, once you die, your body becomes the property of your legal family. So if you want to donate any of your organs, make sure your next of kin knows of your desire (the docs will have to ask them right after you die – not exactly a good time to be blindsided by the question)

  8. This is indeed terrible. And I would not want to minimize the outrage (nor minimize the need to right a wrong); I certainly don’t believe in just putting bad things “behind us.” However, having clicked through the link above, likewise the links at that source, and on down the line, I could not find a link to sufficient details, nor any corroborating account, whether mainstream or not (Google came through, though, of course). As it turns out, this thing happened a year ago. That doesn’t make it any less tragic or maddening, and such things undoubtedly are going on as I write this, but this is not a contemporary news story. I think it is important to get this kind of time stuff straight when we are working ourselves into outrage mode (as, indeed, I did when reading the story).
    Anyway, here is one mainstream newspaper’s account of the outrage in question (published last June, several months after the woman’s death and the hospital’s unforgivable behaviour):
    (Sorry, I don’t know how to make this URL into a proper link, if it doesn’t happen automatically.)

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