23 thoughts on “Fill in the blank:

  1. The Pope telling people what they can do with their sex life.
    Like George W. Bush telling a drunken sailor how to spend his money.
    Putting an oil lobbyist in charge of an overall energy policy.
    (How am I doin’?)

  2. That “protesting me thinking doth too fucking much” or whatever it is thing people say when fuckmooks like this try to cover their tracks.

  3. That’s a real toughie, but maybe the Village People should weigh in.

  4. Larry Craig and David Vitter co-sponsoring the Marriage Protection Amendment is like one saying to the other “If you won’t tell anybody I have a wooden dick, I won’t tell anybody you have splinters in your mouth…”

  5. …is like Mumbles McCain sponsoring the GW Bush Elocution Prize.
    Where is Molly Ivins now that we really need her?

  6. Half of Louisiana is underwater and the other…
    Dammit! Wrong thread again… can’t stop doing that for some reason.

  7. …two and a half tons of flaming, molten scrap irony falling into my yard from a clear blue sky.
    I owe my friend Seeker an apology because I honestly thought he’d been duped by a clever hoaxer.

  8. Having the Mars Attacks aliens give us three MORE branches of government instead of killing ’em all.

  9. I don’t know what comparison to make. I’m sitting here with a wide stance, toe tapping, and thinking, but nothing’s coming to mind.

  10. Larry Craig and David Vitter co-sponsoring the Marriage Protection Amendment is like:
    Mark Foley and Dennis Hastert establishing a scholarship for congressional pages to study deviant sexual behavior in republiscums.

  11. a republican/conservative/religious fundamentalist calling themselves a human being.

  12. Larry Craig and David Vitter co-sponsoring the Marriage Protection Amendment is like:
    A closeted, gay, public-shitter sex troll and a diaper-fetishist whore monger defending morals that they don’t have.
    But, perhaps I am being a bit too literalist here…

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