Four Years Later

They’re still making hay out of Terri Schiavo’s death:

Today marks the fourth anniversary of the death of Terri Schiavo, a
cause célèbre for the “right to life” movement, sparking controversy
from Tampa to Washington and beyond. (Remember, for example, then-Sen.
Bill Frist’s long-distance dedication … I mean, diagnosis?)
But the folks who claimed that Schiavo’s persistent vegetative state
was reversible and that her desire to be removed from life support
(according to her husband) was, well, just not relevant? Well, they’d rather exploit her than treasure her memory.


3 thoughts on “Four Years Later

  1. There’s nothing wrong with having a memorial mass… in your home parish, quietly reflecting on the life of the beloved one. But a mass at Ave Maria University… tacky and disgusting.

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