Friday Ferretblogging: A Way To Help

As most of you know, we got our present two beasties, as well as the late, much-missed Stripe and Little Joe, from theGreater Chicago Ferret Association‘s ferret shelter. I volunteer at the shelter myselfto get first pick of the cutest new kits to help care for homeless pets and spend some time with small furry happy things. Like these:


The shelter is raising money right now, and I know you get requests for causes every day. Good, worthy causes; there’s so much misery in the world and we can’t relieve all of it all at once. This is the best part, though: You don’t have to give any money. We’re participating in a program with Jewel food stores called Shop and Share. If you have a Jewel nearby that you’re going to on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (April 6, 7 and/or 8) just print out the coupon here (Download Gcfa.jewel.pdf), and give it to your cashier. Jewel donates a portion of the proceeds to the GCFA. That’s it!

You buy a gallon of milk and some sick ferret gets a bowl of food to help it recover. You buy a loaf of bread and the shelter gets a bag of litter. You buy all the chocolate eggs you’ve been eyeing and some lucky furby gets a new cage. The ferrets will be warm and fuzzy, and you’ll feel warm and fuzzy, and couldn’t we all use a little of that right now?

Thanks, guys. The shelter ferrets appreciate it:


And so do I.


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