Say What?

In a sign of how far right the GOP has moved, legendary fantasist, liar and douchebag, Oliver North is advisingHouse Goopers on Afghanistan. I wonder if he’ll suggest sending bibles to Karzai’s brother instead of CIA lucre.

I’ve *never* understood, the Ollie North cult amongst the wingnuts; especially because the Reagans *both* repudiated everything he claimed about his relationship with Ronnie. I guess the Reagan cult is like everything else on the far right: they pick what they like and disregard the rest. Sheesh…

8 thoughts on “Say What?

  1. Ah, well, the wingnuts will believe any drivel at all if it comes from someone who’s using a military uniform for personal gain.
    It’s probably a plank in their platform.

  2. To ask the obvious, why would we believe someone who has already been convicted of lying?
    As GWB Said, there is an old saying, Fool me once, Fool me twice – well you can’t fool me a second time.
    Not to mention, the whole arms sale thing, wasn’t that just giving money to the people we’re in the process of fighting now?

  3. Oliver “Larry” North, your fifteen minutes are up.
    I knew him when I was a kid, scary dude then…

  4. “I guess the Reagan cult is like everything else on the far right: they pick what they like and disregard the rest.”
    Cafeteria conservatism! *grin*

  5. Ollie was never convicted — conviction overturned. Also, Ollie took a bullet for Reagan, so he will always be honored and taken care of by the Repubs.

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