Shots fired! Shots fired!

Adrastos, this is payback for getting“Turkey lurkey time” stuck in my head all day yesterday.

Consider this a warning shot.

Hopefully, this will lead to a SALT (Silly-Ass video Limitation Treaty) summit.

And if diplomacy fails, I can always call on Vlad.


9 thoughts on “Shots fired! Shots fired!

  1. First I get it from Oyster down here and then find the Hostilidays virus here.
    I thought I had won this last year, but now I’m searching for the ultimate tactical piece for this season. (and yes, I’m a sick twisted bitch) *giggles*

  2. Sigh.
    Stop it or I will tell your parents. Seriously, someone could get hurt. They might poke their eardrums out.

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