Shep Zitler, R.I.P.

Shep Zitler was a very fine man who passed away yesterday in New Orleans at the age of 92. He was the father of my friend and neighbor, Justin Zitler. I didn’t know Shep as well as I would have liked but he was a remarkable man who survived the Holocaust and found the American Dream in New Orleans. When I feel down, I try to think of Shep and others like him who came through the worst with their humanity intact. Shep will be greatly missed by everyone whose lives he touched.

I hope that you’ll find his story interesting as well as deeply moving:

Here’s a link to Shep’s story at Holocaust Survivors.Org.

Here’s a link to an interview with Shep conducted by the Southern Institute for Education and Research.

4 thoughts on “Shep Zitler, R.I.P.

  1. I will miss my friend, Shep. He and my father were Holocaust Survivors and we had a bond because of this horrific experience. Rest in peace, my friend.

  2. Heartfelt condolences to Anne, Justin and family and the New Orleans Holocaust Survivor Community for the loss of Shep, a kind, sweet, smart man and great leader who was loved and respected by everyone. Shep was a best friend to my father Leo, and for that I am very grateful.
    May his resting place be in the Garden of Eden. May the Master of Mercy shelter him under His wings for Eternity, and may He bind his soul in the Bond of Life. God is his heritage, and may he rest in peace forever. Amen.

  3. I have a Holocaust project and I was at the verge of picking a random survivor beacause there were no ineresting ones until i came across Shep Zitler. He has really touched me with his story and his vivid descriptions.

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