Weekend Question Thread

What do you do when you can’t sleep?

I used to bake stuff, but lately I’ve begun to feel sorry for the neighbors hearing me banging around in the kitchen, so now I just watch TV. Which, when it’s like Elton John videos on VH1, DOES NOT HELP.


17 thoughts on “Weekend Question Thread

  1. 1- Eat a couple bites of something. I’m probably hungry.
    2- Sing out loud. Gets you breathing and tires you out a little.

  2. I just get out of bed, put on a bathrobe, and sit in a comfortable chair. That usually puts me back to sleep, given that I tend to fall asleep there anyway. Last week I did that 4 nights in a row.

  3. Teevee, lots of teevee. OnDemand movies, Buffy reruns, msnbc prison porn. Red, red wine. Sit outside for a bit, or until the mosquitoes bite. If I have to work and the shift starts in less than 8 but more than 6 hours, I take drugs to induce sleep.

  4. TV sometimes. Music via headphones- shutting off the distractions and just focusing on music and sound usually does it. Of course, I wake up with my iPod underneath me, and the earpod cords wrapped around my neck a lot.

  5. It is just after 5 am, Sun. morning in New Zealand. I’ve been awake for hours. Apparently, I surf the internet and come here to see if there is something to entertain me. I’m drinking warm milk with almond flavoring. I’ve read, done Sudoku. Now just trying to keep warm and get drowsy. Reading my way around the world.

  6. i have been reading a 60’s version dictionary. 2 pages from the front, 2 pages from the back and repeat til sleepy. how i found contumacious.

  7. Reading, mostly. TV occasionally. Or just drag a blanket out onto the couch and wait for the z’s.

  8. I keep a copy of Robert Weibe’s “The Search For Order” by my bed. Started keeping it around when a fellow grad student passed on his copy both for my second-half US history seminar and my insomnia. We didn’t have to read it in HIS726, but I’ve always found it useful as an insomnia aid. Even after all these years, I’ve never read the whole thing – four or five pages and I’m out.

  9. Fire up Photoshop, and process photographs on the computer. Being an obsessive nature photographer (no people, please) means you overshoot every subject that’ll allow it, and therefore you always have about a million unprocessed images, some of which are actually better than what you thought you had.

  10. Translation exercises — I set up imaginary scenarios in my head and try to navigate through them using only whichever language I’m trying to practice at the time (could be French, Spanish, or Hebrew).

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