The Van has left the building

UPDATED: Final Senate vote on DADT will be at 3 pm ET today.

Thanks to all for riding, even though it was early in the morning.

Cloture vote for DADT 63 in favor to 33 against. Now only 51 votes are needed in the final vote for DADT to be repealed. Final vote should be tomorrow.

DREAM Act cloture vote failed. Because Republicans (and a few Dems) suck.

Y’all have a good weekend.

5 thoughts on “The Van has left the building

  1. (*knocks on van door*)
    Hey, um, guys? Let me in or I’m going to paste all the error-message text I just got, which, trust me, will be enough to take down the whole site. 😉

  2. Nice van – did they kill debate already? I show up and everyone was headed for the exits.

  3. I FINALLY got in for a few minutes on IE, but there were two other folks…and no discussing. I even posted the ‘babygiggle’ sound and noone took the bait. I left.

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