Makes Me Wonder More ‘What’s in the Water?’ There


I realize “Low-Double-Digit-IQ-and-Oklahoma-State-Senator” isn’t exactly news, but this, no pun intended, truly takes the cake:

Oklahoma GOP State Senator Ralph Shortey is on a mission to finally put an end to his state’s allegedly rampant cannibalism problem. Alarmed after his own research, which consisted of reading a nameless report stating that companies have used stem cells in the production of food, Shortey introduced a bill that would prohibit the manufacturing and sale of food “which contains aborted human fetuses.”

Chicken embryos, though, are on their own…

7 thoughts on “Makes Me Wonder More ‘What’s in the Water?’ There

  1. I think we need legislation to ban the keeping of Martians as pets. Just think of the diseases they might harbor!

  2. Well, shit. Guess I won’t be able to open any branches of my “Fetus Taco” chain in Oklahoma.

  3. And here I was worrying about the imbeciles in the MS legislature trying to pass a law requiring anyone getting public assistance to do 20 hours a week of volunteer service at a church or non-profit.
    Silly me.

  4. I actually have some (a very little) sympathy with the idea – I don’t want to eat human cells. The “state of the art” now is a researcher using animal stem cells to grow animal muscle cells as a replacement for meat.
    But has he considered that if this is just a state reg, there is no way it can have the desired effect. (He needs to give the power to the feds to regulate food. Oh wait, they already do.)
    And as pointed out above, has he considered that this is way off while there are so many pressing, urgent, immediate needs to take care of.
    And for cannibalism, has he considered how much human blood is introduced into the food chain from butchers cutting themselves while cutting up chickens? Has he considered the FDA inspectors that disappeared in food warehouses? I think I could really get him on alert.

  5. Oh, has he considered how this reg would make OK business unfriendly, increase the regulatory burden (to have teeth, the law would have to have reporting requirements as a bare minimum), putting hard working Oklahoma people out of work?

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