NOLA Notes: Abatoir on Howard Avenue

The Newhouse Corp greedheads are wielding the axe today at the Picayune, which is located at 3800 Howard Avenue. 202 employees are being “laid off” (fired or sacked to you and me) today, which is 49% of the Picayune’s newsroom staff. It appears that some folks, including venerable sports columnist Pete Finney found out about being made redundant by anarticle at Stay classy Newhouse.

The city has been in denial about this development: there are petition drives to stop the demolition derby but Newhouse isn’t even interested in selling. They have a point to make and they’re going to make it. The Picayune as we know it is on life support and will bedead in the fall. Butstupidity, not the internet killed it.

A good source of info on the carnage is theGambit’s twitter feed. The hashtag#T-Pis also busier than a crazy monkey.

Condolences to all my friends at the Picayune: some of whom were sacked or demoted and even to the editors who were obliged by their corporate masters to transform the paper’s HQ into an abatoir.

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