Adrastos’ Fearless Election Forecast

I’ve spent the year insisting that the Mittbot will never be President and I’ve convinced myself that I’m right. And if I’m not, sue me.

I was going to embed a fill in graphic map that our social media maven, Jude, helped me run down but I could not get the data to save so I abandoned it. It’s okay, the red states were more salmon colored than anything. So it goes.

I think all the remaining “swing states” are swinging Obama’s way. I feel very good about all my state picks except for Florida. I think the Prez is gonna win there but since Florida is the world’s largest outdoor political insane asylum, I cannot be sure. But the wind is at O’s back and about to blow Weathervane Willard away.

I think the Dems will hold the Senate and win most of the high profile races, and Boner will remain Speaker but I hope I’m wrong about the latter forecast. I’m rooting particularly hard for Sherrod Brown, Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Baldwin and Tim Kaine to win their races.

POPULAR VOTE: Obama 51% Romney 48%

ELECTORAL VOTE:Obama 332 Romney 206

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