Hey Guys

We have no time for your shenanigans.

President Barack Obama jokingly mimics U.S. Olympic gymnast McKayla
Maroney’s “not impressed” look while greeting members of the
2012 U.S. Olympic gymnastics teams in the Oval Office, Nov. 15, 2012.
Steve Penny, USA Gymnastics President, and Savannah Vinsant laugh at
left. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but the President of the United States is kind of cool.

7 thoughts on “Hey Guys

  1. I love that that girl, instead of being horrified by becoming an Internet meme, just completely owns it. Go you, McKayla.

  2. And yeah, I had to remind myself via Google who McKayla Marooney was; the fact that Obama knew that she was the girl in the “not impressed” meme (or at least has fantastic assistants who are willing to clue him in) is a point in his favor.

  3. He also is aware of the “Chill the fuck out, I’ve GOT this!” meme — having mentioned it in a recent speech.

  4. of course i see southern whites complaining the president is not DIGNIFIED ENOUGH. he should be more like the blivet + rub peoples heads. start wars. play golf.

  5. darrelplant:
    Romney would be too busy squeezing coal into diamonds in his pants.
    That guy is the poster child for “uptight”.

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