7 thoughts on “Republicans Also Propose Bill Saying Kittens Fucking Suck

  1. I assume that Santorum and Company are against it because it’s from the U.N. and everybody knows the U.N. has a Socialist One World Order agenda. Or something.

  2. Ah frack it. Maybe Harry Reid should just say flat out if asswipes like Rick Santorum are for it, it must be good. It’s not like Rick Santorum’s record of scary electoral success gives him credibility.

  3. blue_chedar has it right — Santorum thinks that if the US signs this accord, the UN will outlaw homeschooling and dictate to parents how they can raise their kids, and so on and so forth. And O NOES SOSHULIZM BLACK HELIKOPTRZ! And stuff.
    Personally, I’m basically in favour of outlawing homeschooling (some caveats apply), and I’d really like to see the kind of child-rearing favoured by theocratic asswipes like Santorum outlawed too, but nobody died and made me Dictator of the World.
    The fact that the giant douchebag was using his profoundly disabled daughter as a prop during the stunt was even more disgusting.

  4. I can partially understand the concern that this will give govts authority to both dictate child rearing practices and even remove children from the home. I can see this being further fueled by instances where an overzealous social services improperly removed a child.
    But how does this level with all the times a child is severely injured or killed and the news asks why no one did anything? And what about the children who are abused and are not removed from the home?
    Not to mention, even if ratified, it is a long stretch to translate the wording in the treaty to applicable US and state Law to actually applying it in practice (is the child going bring the USA to the Hague?). In short, signing the treaty is more symbolic.
    And as for hiring the handicapped, many repubs openly have come out against the minimum wage and equal pay for women saying an employer should be able to pay what they want to (and Simon Legre thought literal slave wages was what he wanted to pay).
    I’ve been associated in a case where workplace accommodations were needed. Sometimes they are easy. Sometimes they are more difficult. But what would you bet that the anti-minimum wage, anti-equal pay folk are sorely chafing under even the simple cases.

  5. I would pay whatever the going rate for a movie ticket is in New York right now just to watch 90 seconds of some cable network TV host — which one doesn’t matter — go all Tom Ricks on Santorum’s ass.

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