Safe From Tyranny Because of Our Guns

Sweet Jesus, this guy’s like watching a monkey fuck a football:

“The President’s actions are an existential threat to this nation,” Stockman said in a statement. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms is what has kept this nation free and secure for over 200 years. The very purpose of the Second Amendment is to stop the government from disallowing people the means to defend themselves against tyranny. Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible.”

Yes.This guy has kept America free and secure for more than 200 years.


Private citizens with guns have not kept America safe since the war of 1812. Police officers and members of the military with guns have kept America safe. In part. So has encouraging society and community. No one is talking about repealing those things.

Also? AMERICA’S NOT FUCKING SAFE. Maybe it is for this guy these days, but the gated community is not the entirety of the world, and from where I sit, it’s not so safe. Forget massacres in schools, like every other night somebody gets shot a mile away from my house, so let’s not talk about how safe we are and thank God for our pussy neighbor’s Glock collection to defend us from government tyranny.

Christ, I hate this stupid argument. I don’t think the US government has refrained from taking over the suburbs because they’re scared of everybody’s private gun collection, no matter who’s managed to squirrel away what ammo. The US government has NUKES, okay? If they really want Timid Deer Estates, they’re coming for it with the Air Force and a tank division, and good luck with your pistols and canned goods then, assholes.


15 thoughts on “Safe From Tyranny Because of Our Guns

  1. What he said probably sounded better in the original Klingon.
    Now, the guitars…those are much more likely to keep America safe

  2. Tasha, if you follow the second link, the backstory is actually kind of hilarious. I’ve seen his photo around the Internet before and always thought he was some attention whore, but it turns out the whole photo shoot (furriness, guns, Guitar Hero and all) was a joke by his wife for a gun forum and it went viral.
    Which is one of the reasons there are so few photos of me on the Internets.

  3. If they want to live in their little fantasy world, fine, but trying to impose it on the rest of us is the problem.
    Can’t we seal off a big chunk of one of the empty states like Kansas and give it to them as a kind of test? Like the new gated-gun community in Idaho, but on a larger scale?

  4. ALso
    NO-bod-eeee is taking your fucking guns, loons.
    This is NRA fearporn, amplified to the gazillionth degree.
    But you know, we live in a country where modest regulation of the for-profit health insurance industry can be mangled into ZOMG SOCIALISM GOVT TAKEOVER OF HEALTHCARE TYRANNY blah blah.
    So yeah, I read the president’s plan already, I downloaded it, it’s very modest to be honest. And nowhere — I repeat, NOWHERE — does it talk about taking anyone’s guns away.
    Americans are so fucking stupid.

  5. From what I’ve read, the dude in the photo is actually ANTI-gun, and did the photos for ironic parody.
    Irony, being dead, did not get the memo.

  6. I don’t think we need that second amendment that authorizes the vigilantes and patrollers to round up and terrorize the three fifths people when they escape, since the Constitution now considers them entire people with Constitutional rights.

    of for fucks sake. take the guns away from these arrested developemental idjits. don’t TELL ME its not about their penis.

  8. That well regulated militia thing almost didn’t work out so well in 1812. Too many patriots too busy killing injuns and rebelling against them damned revenoorers to save the republic, it seems.
    US history is tough enough to teach the younguns without bringing up the more unpatriotic parts, comrade.

  9. It’s a wonderful myth, that the threat that gun owners represent keeps the government from behaving tyrannically. Oddly, every time some group threatens the status quo, the military and/or the police gets called in and the group is decimated.
    Shay’s Rebellion? Check.
    Whiskey Rebellion? Check.
    Ludlow Strikers? Check.
    The Wobblies? Check.
    Black Panthers? Check.
    Ruby Ridge? Check.
    Waco? Check and mate.
    It’s the height of self-deception for these delusional, deranged minds to think that their guns make one whit of difference at all. Beyond that, they’re seemingly oblivious to the extent that they willingly participated in the erosion of all their other rights over the last few decades in furtherance of the one right they demand. The guy in Ohio who blabbed about killing people didn’t lose his concealed carry license because the government came to his house and broke down his door because they were a-comin’ fer his guns. The state was monitoring social media and there he was, shooting off his mouth.
    They haven’t learned the one lesson important for the last hundred years. The war–and its weapons–always end up coming home. Drones, anyone?

  10. @Montag
    You forgot my personal favorite for the idiots who claim “The military will be on our side”: The Bonus Army.
    20th century military legends involved:
    Ike? check
    Patton? Check
    MacArthur? Check

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