13 thoughts on “Weekend Question Thread

  1. Agree with spork incident. But if the alternative was a submarine roaming through the global shallows…hmmm…that’d be a difficult choice. Zero gravity/free fall might be fun for a few minutes, but I hear it gets in the way of stuff like eating/drinking, and I like to do both. Plus I really like visiting large aquariums — have been to the one in New Orleans, also Monterrey California, and Shedd’s…I can — and did — spend hours.
    But I also LOVE viewing land forms from altitude. In an airplane I’ll choose a window even over an exit row if it’s an aisle (and I’m taller than average)…
    Hmmm…ok, coin flip. Heads, space, tails, sub.
    Came up space.

  2. If I could accompany Capt. Nemo on the spacious, elegant, and comfortable Nautilus — the deeps. Otherwise, neither. (I’ve developed a bit of claustrophobia as I’ve aged.)
    British Columbia, Alberta, the not-yet-logged parts of Ontario, the Brooks Range.

  3. Neither. I’m claustrophobic as crap and there’s no way I’m in a tin can where I can’t get out and… Christ, I’m sweating just thinking about this. NEW QUESTION!!!!

  4. I already went down in a diving bell and it was very kewel so I would take the tardis out and out and out

  5. Bang, zoom, to the moon! When I was a kid I’d hoped that one day I’d experience weightlessness and thought there would be a good chance of that happening. Now that seems unlikely, other than the time I jumped out of an airplane, but that’s different.

  6. Bottom of the ocean. I’d like to know what’s there before we manage to fuck it up too.

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