Customer Service Like This is Killing Newspapers

The Internet? Not so much.

On Tuesday April 22 I talked to Megan in your “customer service” department and asked to be transferred to Rachel Jones. Megan asked me to provide details on my problem and after I told the whole story I said I really didn’t need to talk to Ms. Jones but would be happy to talk to some other supervisor. Megan conferred with her supervisor and returned to tell me that they were reluctant to intervene since Ms. Jones was already on it, and she would call me back.

This conversation occurred at 10:10 am and I told Megan that in case Ms. Jones didn’t call me by noon, I would like the name of another supervisor whom I could talk to
instead. She told me that if Ms. Jones didn’t call me back by noon, I could talk with Tanisha Bridgewater.

Ms. Jones did not call me back. At 1:50 pm I attempted to call Ms. Bridgewater and was told that she was at lunch but should be back at 2 and she would call me back. She did not.

At 3 pm I attempted to call Ms. Bridgewater again and was told by the “customer service” rep who picked up my call that Ms. Bridgewater was on a different floor and there was no way she could connect me to her. She let me speak to Josh Collins, who assured me he would find out what the problem was and call me back.

This is how you treat the people who WANT what you’re providing. No wonder the skeptics take one look and say eh, I’ll read it on my Internets.
