Tweet Of The Day: Chutzpah Edition

I usually prefer not to take shots at people who are ostensibly on the same side but this was a bit too much for my taste.

Here’s my retweet with wry commentary by First Draft alumna, Southern Beale:

One could even call it a pipe dream.

I am disturbed by all the people who are in denial as to the nativist nature of the Trumpen-proletariat vote. There are even those who naively think they can be reached by criminal justice reform. 2016 was a classic backlash election like those of 1966 and 1968. The average blue-collar Trumper wants African-American defendants to rot in jail.

I am certainly no expert on rural white American voters, but neither are some of those acting as if they are:

One more point. I remain unconvinced that Bernie Sanders would have won the general election. I know some of you disagree.  Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald has a great piece about the oppo files the GOP assembled on Senator Sanders. It’s one of the few must-read post-election articles I’ve seen. Read Kurt’s piece and draw your own conclusions.

Finally, the Sanders forces are all in for Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota to be the next DNC Chairman. I just tweeted this out:

Sorry for the hanging comma. It would also be nice if Senator Sanders would join the party he wants to be led by one of his primary season supporters. Btw, Ellison was one of the first core Berners to support HRC so my problem with him is not based on that. The DNC needs a full-time chairperson who’s acceptable to all factions within the party. Ellison fits the second part of the bill but not the first one. Remember: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was a part-time chair.

I hadn’t planned to post again today but writing is my form of post-election therapy. If you’re in need of therapy, helping others always makes me feel better. That’s why you should consider donating to First Draft’s food pantry fund.

4 thoughts on “Tweet Of The Day: Chutzpah Edition

  1. I live in the middle of rural America, and this town has less than 5% unemployment. The guy who takes care of my lawn and snow-blows the driveway wasn’t working a regular job when he started doing this for my mother ten years ago, now works six days a week. His older daughter though who has a black fiance cannot live here – too much being hassled for both of them. Ditto the gay children of two friends of mine – can’t live here and be openly gay.

    Tell me the people here would switch their vote to a guy who’s from Brooklyn and is of Jewish heritage, and I say bullshit.

  2. GOP would have savaged Sanders with that oppo research and it would have been epic loss

  3. Maybe if they had run a Clinton/Sanders ticket, it would have done better, but I don’t think the Bernie Bros would have been any less despicable or revolting than they were.
    I have a hard time believing that Middle America would have pulled the lever for the Jewish Guy, and an even harder time believing that Trump’s White Nationalist In Charge (WINCe? damn word order) wouldn’t have incited more anger towards him as the Democratic standard-bearer.
    The campaign’s sexist storylines would have been replaced by the religious ones because Sanders is effectively atheistic, or at best a barely-practicing Jew. The same idgits who voted for Trump because women should stay in the kitchen (hello, White Middle American housewives! Thanks for nuthin’!) would have voted for Trump because, after all, we need a religious leader in the White House, and Trump, despite his ‘Two Corinthians’ flub, made the proper sounds and had Pence for backup.

    As far as DNC chair goes…Dr Dean has been practicing as a lobbyist for a law firm, specifically advising on health care (his bio is here: He spent a lot of time this spring bad-mouthing and aw-shucksing the single-payer plan that Bernie put forward during the primaries. Both of these are not positive traits, although he’s a damn sight better than DWS.

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