Bomb the Suburbs

Fucking FINALLY, someone pays attention: 

Trump’s real base, the actual backbone of fascism, isn’t poor and working-class voters, but middle-class and affluent whites. Often self-employed, possessed of a retirement account and a home as a nest egg, this is the stratum taken in by Horatio Alger stories. They can envision playing the market well enough to become the next Trump. They haven’t won “big-league,” but they’ve won enough to be invested in the hierarchy they aspire to climb. If only America were made great again, they could become the haute 
bourgeoisie—the storied “1 percent.”

Trump’s most institutionally entrenched middle-class base includes police and Border Patrol unions, whom he promptly unleashed after his inauguration by allowing them free rein in enforcing his vague but terrifying immigration orders, and by appointing an attorney general who would call off investigations into troubled police departments. As wanton as their human-rights atrocities in the years leading up to the Trump era have been, law-enforcement agents are already making their earlier conduct look like a model of restraint. They are Trump’s most passionate supporters and make concrete his contempt for anyone not white, male, and rich.

I’ve been yelling about this for at least five years.


During the 2011 Wisconsin gubernatorial recall, the reddest parts of the state, which went the hardest for Walker, weren’t purely rural. They were the white-flight suburbs of Milwaukee. People there moved out of the city and nurtured in themselves and their children a story about how black and brown people “ruined” “their” neighborhoods. The city was a shithole out of which they’d been driven, and they were going to get their revenge.

National treasure Heather Havrilesky got at this right after the election when the national press was still jerking itself off about Hillbilly Elegy, about suburban discomfort and the need to conform:

In the suburbs the constant fear is “safety.” I recently sat at a suburban lunch table and listened to three women my own age talk for an hour about how to keep their purses safe during pre-school dropoff. Somebody knew somebody who’d heard something on the radio about men doing smash-and-grab with purses out of minivans and this was a federal case now. The preschool should have security cameras. Here’s my brand of car alarm.

(Just don’t leave your purse in your car, then. Don’t be an idiot. Why are we still talking about this?)

A group of moms at a playground recently devolved into talking about the lack of indoor playspaces nearby. I mentioned one, in a predominantly Hispanic suburb, which was bright and open and always had plenty of room for more kids. “That neighborhood is so sketchy,” one of the women told me. Had she been there? Of course not, her husband would never allow it! Everybody nodded; the world was dangerous and you had to protect yourself! It’s just awful about things these days. People are so goddamned scared.

Local TV news feeds this phenomenon, and the local suburban press as well. The city is always a cesspool of black and brown criminals, homeless, needy, looking to carjack you the minute you go downtown for a play. People always want to take what’s yours. If you’re from the city, you left because you HAD TO move away to protect yourself (and your children, the ready-made excuse for your racist crap) and that sense of being driven out by outside forces (black outside forces; unscrupulous real estate agents, not so much) informs everything around you now. You moved to be safe, but you don’t feel safe because now you’ve let fear control you and once is all it takes.

If you know anything about inherited trauma, you know what you tell your children about why you live where you live. People my age didn’t flee African-Americans marching for open housing but they damn well know why their parents and grandparents did, and among themselves, after a couple of beers, they’ll tell you they know how to keep everything under control.

From the Nation article:

Their material security bound up in the value of their real-estate assets, suburban white people had powerful incentives to keep their neighborhoods white. Just by their very proximity, black people would make their neighborhoods less desirable to future white home-buyers, thereby depreciating the value of the location. Location being the first rule of real estate, suburban homeowners nurtured racist attitudes, while deluding themselves that they weren’t excluding black people for reasons beyond their pocketbooks.

So the people who support Trump the hardest? The people who backed him with their donations and lawn signs and votes? They’re not trailer trash. They’re worse, and it’s because they think they’re better.

They think they’re better than trailer trash because they don’t use the n-word (as they stake a BLUE LIVES MATTER or a WE BACK THE BADGE sign into their lawns and ask why “minorities” have to make everything about race). They’d never tell a Hispanic woman to go back to “her” country if they saw her in the grocery store, but the next time they’re two glasses into the rosé at book club they’ll wonder if she was talking about them when she was speaking Spanish, and declare that immigrants don’t have to learn English anymore.

They’re not going to yell at a woman on the street to make them a sandwich. They will, however, tell a woman with a job that it’s too bad she can’t stay home with her kids, and say they’d never let “a stranger” take care of their children. They’ll put a bumper sticker on their cars: It’s a child, not a choice, or Defund Planned Parenthood, but they’re not bigots or sexists themselves.

They think their fear is more valid than the racism of some Confederate Flag-waving jackhole with a white truck and brown teeth. They think it’s more virtuous to be scared than to be evil. And if they ever do start to wonder if they might be monsters, if they might be on the wrong side of something, well, they have the trailer trash to look at and say, we’re not that. We have one ass instead of two, and nobody in our family’s in jail for making meth.

Dad worked in an office, not a coal mine. We’re better than them. We just vote for the same people, over and over, no matter what, and if we tell ourselves we have a different reason, maybe it buys us out of hell.


12 thoughts on “Bomb the Suburbs

  1. The lesson here is that everyone knew before the election that a vote for Trump was a vote for intolerance, but that doesn’t mean you have to take the blame for it.

    As the great Utah Philips was always fond of observing, all of us assign blame in our own best interests. In this election cycle the winning margin came from the suburbs but the narrative is, as you correctly point out, that the rednecks elected Trump. This is an effective distraction because “everyone” knows they are unapologetic racists. There is more to White insular fear than the terror of the cities. They are equally afraid of an imagined rural anarchy where casual violence and meth are the favored pastimes of inbred coal digging banjo players. To be fair, city dwellers entertain this nonsense too, but they don’t vote on it.

    To the 2nd generation suburb dweller, their enclave is threatened on all sides. They fear the lawlessness of the city just as much as that of the country. They are a nation unto themselves, and the appeals to a peaceful and safe past is always an explicit appeal to their worst instincts. So, because money and influence (and election victory) reside in these (panic) bedroom communities, the blame for every failed policy will always fall outside their confines. Even while all of the impetus behind that policy comes from within.

  2. Exactly. But you left out the part where they (the males, almost exclusively) describe themselves as “more of a Libertarian” to distance themselves from the bible thumpers

  3. These are people who think Judgment Night is a goddamn documentary. Except that all the scary urban gang members are black, and Denis Leary is nowhere to be found.

  4. Wow, Allison, powerful stuff, difficult to argue against. And I am waiting for an analysis on why so many evangelicals drank the kool-aid. Was it solely that prosperity gospel nonsense? How they could cheer that tacky hedonistic amoral self-admitted sexual predator, a crook, an ignorant incompetent greedy selfish racist reactionary authoritarian spoiled brat. And they still love him. I don’t get it.

    1. Many evangelicals are one issue voters. Abortion, abortion, abortion.

  5. Some of us find ourselves in suburbia accidentally. We bought our house, in a RURAL area thirty years ago. But it has since become a suburb. I cannot afford to move further out, we live on a retirement income that must support us (a veteran couple) and three returned military veteran sons, two with disabilities from service. The broad brush is always attractive, but bot always accurate.

  6. But democracy is wonderful.
    “If the right to vote were expanded to seven year olds … its policies would most definitely reflect the ‘legitimate concerns’ of children to have ‘adequate’ and ‘equal’ access to ‘free’ french fries, lemonade and videos.” ~ Hans-Hermann Hoppe

  7. More whining by 2nd place finishers. Grow the fuck up already. Trump is a gimp but not 10% as bad as you drama queens make him out to be. Never seen such spoiled fucking losers in my lifetime.

  8. A lot of them are my age. The factories left town when I was ten. I got told, “Go to college, you’ll be able to get a good job.” But somehow I just can’t seem to save and do as well with both of us working as my dad did working on an assembly line with my mom staying home. My kids are on their own for college, and they know that from the beginning. One’s skipping college for skilled trades; you can’t outsource the plumber.
    If I didn’t read and think, I’d believe the fear. I’d believe that my inability to get secure even though I work hard is due to immigrants, instead of being a system failure. Fear is quick and easy.

    Doesn’t excuse it. But I know why they do it.

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