Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with Random Ruminations – more COVID crapola

(written at the first months of the pandemic)

All over social media, I see people saying things like: “You should be more respectful of the dead” whenever the subject of Herman Cain’s suicide – um, death comes up.


I’m respectful of service members who gave their lives for their country.
I’m respectful of First Responders who died while trying to save others.
I don’t have to be respectful of morons who willfully caused their own deaths.

Herman Cain and other deniers/anti-science idiots like him who loudly told everyone that the trucks zooming down the highway weren’t real, and stepped out into their path to prove it, don’t get an ounce of my respect.

They get my derision and contempt.

And, if they infect others before they die, my hatred.

One thought on “Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with Random Ruminations – more COVID crapola

  1. My feelings exactly. I also feel that way about sovcit morons who refuse to hand over their licenses to cops then get their windows busted and dragged out of their cars and/or tazed.

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