Crazy as a Monkey House Shit-Fight

Another fucking deep thinker from the anti-woman/War on Fucking crowd.

Holy shit. I was in the car yesterday, taking care of some errands and such. When driving, I occasionally listen to Crazy Christian Radio. I know, I know. I need professional help.

At any rate, ona show called “Crosstalk” (Warning! Crazy Christian link! Oh, and get it? Crosstalk? har har) yesterday, I got to hear one Mark Crutcher, a bed-shittingly insane anti-woman activist. If you’re so inclined, you can find links to his crazy online shitshow (Life Dynamics) from the “Crosstalk” link. Now, obviously, most of the War on Fucking/War on Women douchebags are swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool. But this guy? See the title to this post. That’s as crazy as I know how to describe, and he was even nuttier than that.

During his rants, he got around to saying why electing Senator Obama or Senator Clinton would be a bad idea. He didn’t mention “activist judges,” surprisingly enough. No.

What he railed against was, and I shit you not, universal health care.



Now why, you might ask, does universal health care (or, as Crazy McPants-shitter put it, “a socialized medicine system”) matter to an anti-woman asshole?

Well, you see, if we all share the costs of medical bills, then our tax dollars will pay for abortions (Attention, asshole: under Medicaid, they sometimes already do). That’s right. We’ll all be guilty parties in the abortion “holocaust.” Also, since there will be no direct out-of-pocket costs for doctor visits, he predicts that the abortion rate will, in his word, skyrocket. Except that, you know, even with our for-profit medical system, the abortion rate in the US is already higher than in other developed countries–those countries that have the demonic universal health care. 

You see that, Mr. Crutcher? It’s called “research,” and it took me all of 30 seconds with The Google.

So this fucker would deny access to health care to 50 million people (and affordable health care to millions more) because of his own Kwazy Kwusade. That sounds like something Christ might do, doesn’t it?

Now, I know that this graph does not and cannot show causality. However, if the free availability of “elective abortions” led to a jump in the instances and rates of abortion, don’t you think that, say, Canada would have a higher abortion rate than the US? 

Listening to this guy was terrifying and entertaining at the same time. He really, really believes, it seems, that pro-choice people want nothing more than to kill humans. He thinks that talk of reproductive freedom, women’s rights, health issues, and the like are just red herrings. He accuses Planned Parenthood of a massive, extremely profitable, and decades-long conspiracy to:

  1. Introduce value-free comprehensive sex education to
  2. Encourage people to have sex, then
  3. Get pregnant, and–here’s the Wile E. Coyote ingeniousness–
  4. Go to Planned Parenthood and pay for abortions

I swear to Jeebus, I am not making this up. He had the usual talk of “abortion mills” run by the “abortion industry,” set up just to murder “unborn children.” I was half tempted to call in and say something along the lines of: “Well golly, Mr. Crutcher, don’t you think it’s important that we rebuild our industrial base here in America? An abortion industry is still an industry.”

But I didn’t want to be directly responsible for the massive stroke that would have killed him. Criminal liability and all, you know.

Wow. I wish I had time to go over all of his craziness, but I think it overloaded my poor little heathen brain.

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