So Is Life

Yeah, so I got reminded ofThe Muppet Show recently. And that made me think of Mr. Belafonte there. 

I hate to sound like a dirty fucking hippie, especially since Athenaehas that nailed down for us, but damn. C’mon, people. It is up to us. Shit’s never gonna be perfect, but the world doesn’t have to exist in a state of perma-suck. 

And, yeah, there are always gonna be assholes telling you that you’re stupid, or you’re fighting the inevitable, or you’re just too naive and eager. Well, those people can either help us or get kicked in the nuts*. So roll up your sleeves, or start buying icepacks. 

*Yes, I realize that some of those assholes don’t have nuts. In that case, find something else to kick that will hurt.

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