I Don’t Know How Much Clearer We Can Be

But let me use all available typographic options to make this point:

People hate the Republican party and they hate George W. Bush and think he has screwed up this country and they want massive, 180-degree sweeping changes that cut down all the weeds he has planted like the biggest thresher ever invented.

Any Democrat who still takes Republicans seriously as a threat or thinks he will face political consequences for being too hard on the ignoble opposition is an idiot who has wandered afield of his village.

The Editors ask what should be done with the MANDATE.

My list includes not only a daily ritual involving kicking Joe Lieberman in the balls in public but also some kind of solution to the problem we are having where people thinking being scared of ass sex is reason to deny the most fundamental right we have: that of equal protection under the law. We need to get that handled because I am fucking full up with having my marriage used as an excuse to deny someone else’s. In other words, FUCK CALIFORNIA’s BIGOTS OFTEN AND HARD.

What’s on your list?


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