The Hands-Down Dumbest Story about the Debate, via A Very Serious Blogger Ethics Panel

Walmart Moms, guys:

Undecided “Walmart moms” in Milwaukee, Wis., gave the presidential debate win to President Obama by a narrow margin – but they’re not sold yet.

What are “Walmart Moms,” you guys?

In a bipartisan focus group conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Momentum Analysis and sponsored by Walmart, a group of undecided female voters were asked to vote for who they thought won the second presidential debate. Five women in the group said Obama, three said Mitt Romney, and two said they thought it was tie.

Emphasis because YOU DON’T FUCKIN’ SAY.

It couldn’t possibly have been designed to get Walmart’s name in the headlines, could it have? Because that would never work. Very serious journalists who are the guardians of our democracy would never fall for such an obvious marketing ploy.

They certainly wouldn’t fall for it twice.

And you know, I’m sure some defenders will say the disclosure makes it okay. It doesn’t. This is about story selection and agenda-pushing, and allowing Walmart this much of the national conversation is still letting them get away with something, even if you point out in paragraph one or two that you’re letting them get away with it.


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