GOAL MET! Thank you all!

UPDATE: You are all the absolute best, and thank you all for contributing. It’s much appreciated and will help keep the old place humming for the next year, during which — and this is just a guess — some stuff might happen that we might want to write about. It means the world to know that what we do here matters to you. Thanks again.

Fifteen years, bitches. Time for an annual fundraising post.

Once a year we ask those of you who enjoy this site and have a little cash to spare to throw some our way to help keep the lights on.

FD is an ad-free, pop-up free, complete-this-survey-to-continue-reading-free, free-article-limit-reached-free experience and has been for many years now, since ads on blogs all switched over to being something called “influencer marketing.”

I’m not important enough to be an influencer. If I influenced things Former President Kerry would be asking me to run his library foundation for windsurfing and kicking ass right now.

Our needs are modest — keep the lights on, let us help out one another in an emergency when we need it — and so we set modest goals for these fundraisers. $1,500 is what we’re hoping to raise in a week. And if you are in dire or semi-dire financial straits, please do not give, do not feel bad about it, and in fact ask us to plug your GoFundMe or something, because this economy sucks goat scrote.

But if you can, and you value what you get here, if our fine political thirst posts and dick jokes and cat pics and, you know, the news and analysis we do on the side, matters to you, hit our tip jar.


We love and appreciate you all so much. We’ve been doing this now for 15 years, and I can’t believe how much fun it still is. Thank you for that.


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