It’s Better Than Mike Huckabee’s MySpace Friends!

Oh, my God, you guys, the forums at are comedy gold.Here’s a thread advocating increasing black GOP turnout in the South. Comment number FOUR:

Republican Party needs to be honest about Abe Lincoln and stop
pretending that he was worthy of respect. Lincoln was a white
supremacist who once proposed sending blacks off to their own colony.
For more information on Lincoln and racism, read the free chapter
(chapter 6) posted online from Judge Andrew Napolitano’s newest book, Dred Scott’s Revenge.

Most southerners did not own slaves. The Civil War wasprimarily
about state sovereignty, not slavery. Lincoln was a statist tyrant and
most definitely was the worst president in U.S. history. You can see a
list of some of Lincoln’s abuses at

It goes, if you can imagine, downhill from there:

Why would we want those people in our party. We would just end up supporting them here as well.

The genius plan for getting minority folks to vote Republican: FUCK ABE LINCOLN AND FUCK YOU.


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