We’re Number Five! We’re Number Five!

At least Chicago’s got something to be proud of:

Here are the top twenty strangest cities according to’s rankings:

1) New York City, NY
2) Lincoln, NE
3) Madison, WI
4) Philadelphia, PA
5) Chicago, IL
6) Cinncinnati, OH
7) Boston, MA
8) Detroit, MI
9) Dallas, TX
10) Pittsburgh, PA

Seriously, between Rollerblading Rabbit Dude (my ‘hood’s resident strangeoid) and the fact that every time I’ve taken some out-of-towner friend on the L there’s like a kid in a panda costume singing for no reason anyone around him can discern, this city is pretty fucking strange.

I do have to ask, though, since it’s the only place in the top five I’ve never been: What is going on in Lincoln, Nebraska?


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