Blog for Birds Day 2: We Have Pelican!

Pelican In two days we hit more than $200 for the International Bird Rescue Center, which is taking care of injured, oil-covered wildlife on the Gulf coast.I had hoped we could do that by the end of theweek. Thank you to all who’ve contributed so far, and linked, and sent good thoughts the Center’s way.

We can officially adopt a Pelican. While I’m thrilled, and I plan on asking them to make out the adoption papers to The Internet, I’d like to see if we can’t get to Pelican Partner level. That’s $500, or more than twice what we’ve already raised, butlook at this.

That’s what the wildlife rehabbers and all the other volunteers down there are seeing right now. So let’s do something to help.Hit up the tip jar and put “birds” in the comments. Let’s help out, one bird at a time.

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