The Chasm Between the Saved and the Damned

So Eric Erickson made an ass out of himself today. That’s not surprising.What is surprising is this:

The topic of faith in Christ makes people cringe. But whether you believe it or not, here is the reality: beyond us is a world we cannot see with our eyes. It impacts us on a daily basis. It is a world of very real angels and very real demons. It is a world of a very real God and a very real Satan, a very real Heaven and a very real Hell.

The back and forth and accusations and lies surrounding Jared Loughner should be a constant reminder to us that there is more at play in our world than what we see. And, frankly, at times like this I am more and more mindful of the great chasm in this world between the saved and damned.

Because to be honest, I don’t give conservatives a lot of credit when it comes to faith. I tend to think most of them are just jerking off when they talk about Their Jesus, using Him like a get-out-of-jail-free card and a way to deflect the conversation. It’s why “the topic of faith in Christ” makes people cringe. It isn’t out of revulsion at Christ; even those who don’t worship Him seem to agree He’s a fairly decent sort of person who would be harmless if not for His asshole fan club. It’s at the transparency of your attempt to get us to stop talking about the dead hookers or the baby rabbits or whatever other sick shit you’re into by blithering on about how much you love some undead carpenter, like THAT is more normal.

But this? This is AWESOME.

Real angels and real demons fighting for our souls! A direct call-out to the Left Behind crew that MAYBE THE RAPTURE HAS ALREADY HAPPENED and now they all have to be Kirk Cameron and defend the Earth or whatever that bullshit was about. The chasm between the saved (conservatives, presumably, and people who drag Christ into conversations that don’t need His intervention, like, let the man sort His junk mail or whatever, already, sheesh) and the damned (liberals, I guess, and anybody who points out that faith in Christ doesn’t stop a speeding bullet) is now Our Earth, and what Erickson’s asking here is what side you’re on.

I personally would be inclined to be on the side that says all things being equal, the Zombie Apocalypse is the Zombie Apocalypse and I’mma stock up on dry goods at the store this weekend either way.


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