Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – Boehner’s Big Election edition

OK then – where were we?

Ah yes – the fabulous Freeperati. (I almost posted a movie review or a recipe before I remembered what my gig is).

Well, them Duke tabagger boys had gotten themselves into a terrible fix with Boss Sob, or was it the other way around?

(caution – if you have an election lasting more than 4 hours, see a physician immediately)

First there was this:

Congressmen Confirm That Boehner Will Either Resign Speakership Or Be Forced Out

Cybercast News ^

| 1/2/13
| Ron Meyer

Posted onWednesday, January 02, 2013 7:08:45 PM bydrewh

I have confirmed with a group of Congressmen that House Speaker John Boehner will not be reelected Speaker tomorrow.

He will either resign or be forced out tomorrow.

17 members are needed to block Speaker Boehner’s election tomorrow. A
Speaker needs an absolute majority of all votes cast for a specific

If no one has a majority, the House is speakerless. I’ve confirmed these rules with the House Parliamentarian.

posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2013 7:08:53 PM
Woo hoo! The teahadists are gonna flex their muscle of love and get that damned traitor sent down for his betrayal of The Cause!

To: drewh

Get rid of this freakin idiot socialist moron Boner.

tweet Republicans , tell them get rid of this creature or else we get rid of them

posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2013 7:11:48 PM
(media makes mass shooters household names to create more & take our guns)

To: HiTech RedNeck
The Speaker doesnt have to be a current member necessarily… (according to the constitution)

posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2013 7:11:56 PM

To: drewh


posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2013 7:15:10 PM

To: drewh

It won’t matter if the GOP-e just nominates another reliable
RINO.It might be why Alan West was gerrymandered out of his district.

posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2013 7:16:39 PM
(You don’t notice it’s a police state until the police come for you.)
YEAH! Because they always want to keep the black manDOWN!
Wait – wut?

To: drewh

Why get rid of one socialist to get an even worse one.Besides,
Gingrich is too busy crusading for climate change and same-sex marriage.

posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2013 7:21:51 PM
Newt Gingrich –RINO!

To: drewh

I believe Congressman Louie Gohmert himself would make an excellant(sic) Speaker.

posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2013 7:30:44 PM
(Newt Gingrich for Speaker)
In much the same way as gasoline would make an excellent flame retardant…

To: drewh

The fact that people are even talking about this means they are not
afraid of Bonehead.
The issue seems to be who will replace him.

posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2013 7:55:31 PM
Actually, the issue is how self-deluded the Freeperati are. You’d think they would have rented a clue after the Mitt’s-gonna-win-in-a-landslide debacle, but apprently not.
Good. Job security for me.

To: penelopesire

“Dittos!!… No Eric Cantor!… He is too sissified and rino in elephant clothes…”

There has always been something very womanly about him…Too
soft-spoken to be feared by opposition…Even the picture on Drudge
with Boehner which was the lead story today, he just looks like a, well

posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2013 7:59:35 PM
“Too womanly”? “wuss”? You guys have more issues than National Geographic.
Many names are floated by the Freeperati:
Newt – Cain – Ghomert Pyle – Clint Eastwood – Ted Nugent (it just gets sadder after that – I’m surprised they don’t start pushing for theirDads as the wishful thinking accelerates)

To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Berosus; bigheadfred; Bockscar; ColdOne; Convert from ECUSA; …

And if he doesn’t leave, FR will need a full time janitor for the blood that will shoot out of a lot of people’s eyes. :’)

Thanks drewh.

posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2013 9:20:43 PM
(Romney would have been worse, if you’re a dumb ass.)
Let’s just get right to that part, shall we?
Eyes Full Of Blood (right after a word from our sponsors)

Buckle up – here we go!

Bachmann, Garrett, and Blackburn votes re-elect Boehner

twitter ^

Posted onThursday, January 03, 2013 12:31:45 PM byPerdogg

What drama: Bachmann, Garrett, Blackburn wait till LAST MIN to cast
vote for Boehner, bring the vote from 17 defections down at final
second— Robert Costa

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:31:47 PM


To: Perdogg; All

I guess Bachmann is a RINO now..

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:33:31 PM
(And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.)


To: Perdogg

We’re screwed every which way from Sunday!

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:33:36 PM
( “Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.” ~Thomas Jefferson)


To: Perdogg

Pathetic. I expected better from Bachmann especially.

The Republican Party no longer needs my vote, evidently, so it no longer has to have it.

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:35:00 PM
(“Don’t be afraid to see what you see.” — Ronald Reagan)

To: KevinDavis

I wonder what he offered her?

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:35:22 PM

To: KevinDavis

I guess Bachmann is a RINO now..

K Street working girl. Cashing her chips in like every last one of them.

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:36:13 PM


To: Perdogg

Bachman has betrayed the Tea Party.Like Fredo, she is dead to me.

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:41:18 PM
byLexington Green

Fredo had better fashion sense.
Dimly, a Freeper sees where this is going:

To: KevinDavis

Yup, we have three more Republicans now to put on our unacceptable list? Do we have any Republicans left who are acceptable?

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:42:47 PM
Good question.

To: KevinDavis

You got that right…let us now throw Bachmann under the bus as a RINO.

Time to ask Doug Hoffman from NY-23 to form a new party!

The circular firing squad is in full force. Let the democraps have it all.

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:45:10 PM
(The republic is doomed when people figure out they can get free stuff by voting democrats)


To: Lexington Green

Bachman has betrayed the Tea Party. Like Fredo, she is dead to me.

Oh Lord. Get a grip. She is one of the best in Congress. We need her
and just because she voted for Boehner does not make her a traitor. Big
woop. Nobody would have fought the tax increase. Hell even Paul Ryan
voted for the mess. No wonder we are losing everything. You are a “zero
tolerance” type…Mr. or Ms. Goodie Goodie who has to have their own
way. Well grow up and start supporting conservatives likethe GREAT
Michele Bachmann who I hope and pray will be our President someday!!!!

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:54:47 PM
(GOP Candidate 2020 – “Bloomberg 2020 – We vote for whatever crap the GOP puts in front of us.”)


To: Perdogg

The Speaker is walking in now andlooks like he is about to cry. Lord, help us.

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:55:31 PM
(I am a RINO…soon to be No Party Assigned.)
And he did, didn’t he, sweetheart?

To: pgkdan

Even Rush realizes it now we (conservatives) are strangers in our
own land.. Soon the majority will celebratewhen the Government puts a
bounty on our heads…

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:55:31 PM
(Stranger in a strange land… where did America go?)

Payback’s a bitch, innit?

To: Perdogg

Time to switch registration to ‘Independent’…I’ll be voting for
Constitution Party candidates from here on…I’ve read their platform,
and it is as close to conservative as anything out there.

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:49:08 PM
bywho knows what evil?
(G-d saved more animals than people on the ark…

To: who knows what evil?

In which century do you expect the constitution party to win the
WH, or Senate or the House?Or is it that winning is not one of your

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 12:56:29 PM
(The republic is doomed when people figure out they can get free stuff by voting democrats)
Your not winning is certainly one ofmine.
And all this“I’m gonna take my vote and go home” crap reminds me of the Constables in Pirates of Penzance – they say and say and say that they’re going, but they never actuallyGO.

To: WilliamRobert

The smartest thing we can do is work hard at growing Tea Party influence.

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:15:10 PM
(Those that work for a living are now outnumbered by those that vote for a living.)
If it keeps “growing” like this, you’re going to need an electron microscope to find it.

To: Norm Lenhart
But it’s getting closer by the day to saying to hell with it, and just living the rest of my life and watching it all burn.

Most of the old guys, Vietnam vets and such are too old to do anything
but take up space. I resigned myself to this outcome before Obama was
even elected, because I could see exactly what was happening.

We have no where to go except home.

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:34:06 PM
(Any enemy, that is allowed to have a King’s X line, is undefeatable. (USS Taluga AO-62))

To: Norm Lenhart
Free republic isbecoming a joke.

When I joined up here years ago, I
was so inspired by the opinions of my fellow members. We stood for
something and had convictions. Now its like a lot of freepers just go
with the flow and spin and explain away everything that goes against our
core believes. Very disappointed.
posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:40:41 PM

To: Perdogg

The fact that Michelle was one of the votes absolutely breaks my heart.

We are alone.

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 2:35:40 PM


To: Norm Lenhart

All of them are illusions.

They are shimmering mirages in the desert. They give you hope, but
when you come to it, nothing is there except thirst and despair.

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 2:46:34 PM


To: exit82; newzjunkey
When did I ever mention the constitution party? I said our own party, a party for conservatives.

The key here is “our own party“.
Because that is what will happen when each of us insists on the Highest
Standards of Purity in our chosen political party — we will realize
that the only way to be completely true to ourselves is for each of us
to create and play in our own POOP (Party Of One Person). We must refuse
to associate politically with anyone whose entire set of political
stands doesn’t exactly match our own.

For example: Does your wife
agree with you 100% on immigration, gun rights, taxes, govt spending,
gay marriage, Big Govt, Big Labor, Big Green, defense, capital
punishment, and the Constitution? But she mistakenly believes life
begins at implantation while you know it begins minutes earlier at
fertilization, making you more ProLife than her? Then NO WAY can she be
allowed to join your Very Own Political Party Of One and dilute its
purity! She must file papers to establish herown POOP.

Remember those ancient words of wisdom:
“Have you ever noticed how anyone who drives slower than you is a jerk, and anyone who drives faster than you is a maniac?”
That issoooooo
true! Nobody else drives exactly like you do, therefore you’re the only
Pure Driver in the world; and never forget that! This same valuable
lesson applies to Political Purity as well.

“United We Fall, Divided We Stand.”

posted on Thursday, January 03, 2013 5:25:53 PM
(If my kids make a mistake in the voting booth, I don’t want them punished with a community organizer)

OK – the Freeper Tears sump pump just overloaded and burned out!
Everybody run for it!
See you good people next week.

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