Government Is Only for Fucking Things Up

God Almighty, these arguments: 

COVINGTON, Ga.—There are hundreds of stories of failed subdivisions left empty by the housing bust, where homeowners are stuck staring into vacant lots of PVC pipes and weeds.

There are very few stories where a half-finished development has been saved from ruin.

The rescue of one such development, by the city in which it is located, is being heralded as a potential solution to some of the worst mistakes of the housing crisis. The local newspaper, the Covington Newspraised the project, writing that “a community has been brought back from the dead.”

That Covington, a city 35 miles east of Atlanta, did anything at all is unusual, said Ellen Dunham-Jones, an architect and urban-design professor at Georgia Tech who has a chapter on the subdivision, Walker’s Bend, in a forthcoming book, Retrofitting Sprawl.

“I really applaud them tremendously, since its pretty unusual: Cities just aren’t in the business of being developers,” she said. “In conservative districts, there’s a philosophical sense that the city as master developer smacks of socialism.”

Government intervenes in the magical free fucking market all the time. Government created the rules that planned these developments in the first place, as developers looked at the rules and what they could do to make the most money within those rules. That’s not me complaining, however much I might hate this kind of design. Government by its decisions creates the spaces the market steps into. To say government should only intervene to make things suck doesn’t make any sense.


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