Delegitimizing Hillary Already

If Trump won we’d just tear everything down, us liberal rioters: 

Still, the need for a clear negative mandate is kind of obvious. Think, for a moment, how the country would be convulsed by a close election. Sure, the Trump people would shout that the system was rigged, and violence would be possible. Violence might be more likely, however, if Trump won, beginning perhaps in our cities and our campuses. Respectable America — our various elites — wouldn’t quietly defer to the legitimacy of a Trump presidency. Imagine what would happen if either candidate won the popular vote and lost in the Electoral College. We’re not talking Bush vs. Gore here.

Because it’s Hillary’s attendees yelling Nazi slogans at journalists.

Beating up protesters.

Threatening to “hang the bitch.”

It’s Hillary’s attendees in “cities” and “campuses” (meaning black and gay and young people) who are yelling about elections being stolen and conspiracies being fomented and dark alliances between the banks and the media (meaning Jews). It’s Hillary’s attendees calling for armed insurrection, albeit about as convincingly as they did for fighting the Islamofascist menace from their recliners.

In order to combat these threats, from imaginary Black Panthers and the six old hippies who are trying to figure out if they can get stoned enough to forget the past 40 years, Hillary should APOLOGIZE FOR WINNING.

No, really:

We can hope that Clinton will accept that negative mandate with the appropriate modesty and let America know she knows her victory was in many ways undeserved. We can hope.

Hear that, ladies?

Apologize for your existence once again. Make sure you don’t, you know, enjoy a success that thousands of other women fought and died for, that you worked your whole life for, that you struggled through unimaginable ugliness for. Don’t be so uncouth as to cheer or anything. Who do you think you are, a mediocre white man, or a sportsballer? GROSS.

Given everything she’s had to deal with this cycle, I hope Hillary Clinton takes a victory lap on this guy’s lawn, TPs his dad’s house and does an hourlong commercial running in red states that is just her flipping perfectly manicured double birds to everyone who didn’t vote for her. Fuck this noise. Trump has run an entire campaign from the Freeperville comments, indulging their every private grievance and insane fringe desire, and she should practice “appropriate modesty?”



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