A Poor Neighborhood is Not For You

Via Jeff on Facebook, sweet baby Jesus: Last week, on the first stop of the $45 tour, guide Lynn Battaglia, from Pittsburgh, pointed out a housing project. She then mocked the Grand Concourse, modeled after a Parisian boulevard. “Do you feel like we’re on the Champs-Elysées?” she teased a couple from Paris. As the bus idled across from historic St. Ann’s Episcopalian Church, Battaglia launched into a description of the crime, poverty and violence that plagued the South Bronx during the 1970s recession. As she spoke, a line of two dozen poor people — including one man visibly agitated by … Continue reading A Poor Neighborhood is Not For You

A Poor Neighborhood is Not For You

Via Jeff on Facebook, sweet babyJesus: Last week, on the first stop of the $45 tour, guide Lynn Battaglia, from Pittsburgh, pointed out a housing project. She then mocked the Grand Concourse, modeled after a Parisian boulevard. “Do you feel like we’re on the Champs-Elysées?” she teased a couple from Paris. As the bus idled across from historic St. Ann’s Episcopalian Church, Battaglia launched into a description of the crime, poverty and violence that plagued the South Bronx during the 1970s recession. As she spoke, a line of two dozen poor people — including one man visibly agitated by the … Continue reading A Poor Neighborhood is Not For You

Without A Sidearm

What the fuck do they think goes on in black neighborhoods? The finance chairman of the Republican National Committee, who also was Michigan’s former GOP chairman, was captured on video telling a tea party meeting that voters in Detroit get picked up at pool halls and barbershops and bused “from precinct to precinct where they vote multiple times.” Ron Weiser also said at the Aug. 9 meeting in Milford that someone not from Detroit would not want to go to the polls there at 6:30 a.m. “without a side arm.” I hear this miserable fraidy-cat shit all the time and … Continue reading Without A Sidearm

Without A Sidearm

What the fuck do they think goes on in black neighborhoods? The finance chairman of the Republican National Committee, who also was Michigan’s former GOP chairman, was captured on video telling a tea party meeting that voters in Detroit get picked up at pool halls and barbershops and bused “from precinct to precinct where they vote multiple times.” Ron Weiser also said at the Aug. 9 meeting in Milford that someone not from Detroit would not want to go to the polls there at 6:30 a.m. “without a side arm.” I hear this miserable fraidy-cat shit all the time and … Continue reading Without A Sidearm