One more wedge play for Jerry Kramer

He had been screamed at by a relentless tyrant in front of his peers. All it did was make his mistakes multiply in hot August sun that burned brightly above the training camp field. The NFL was not a place for the weak back then, and coaches were gods among men, the deities who controlled the future of these mortals. This man in particular, Vince Lombardi, had gained near mythic status as he used a domineering style to reshape the failing Green Bay Packers into a winning machine. The player had jumped off sides during one drill and missed a … Continue reading One more wedge play for Jerry Kramer

A Golden Anniversary Explained

Fifty years ago tomorrow, two scared 20-somethings gathered with family and friends in a cathedral-esque church on the south side of Milwaukee to pledge their lives to one another. Her father thought the man wasn’t good enough for his daughter. His father thought the woman was far too strident and interested in a career to be a good wife. Nobody, least of all these two kids, knew if they’d make it, if they’d be OK. Still, there they were in front of a three story slab of pink and white marble with a giant crucifix, saying they would live together … Continue reading A Golden Anniversary Explained

Even For Politico This Is So Gross: Happy Easter!

This isn’t how God works:  President Donald Trump has increasingly infused references to God into his prepared remarks — calling on God to bless all the world after launching strikes in Syria, asking God to bless the newest Supreme Court Justice, invoking the Lord to argue in favor of a war on opioids. That … isn’t finding religion. It’s finding a sales pitch. For, let us be clear, war, war and more war. “I’ve always felt the need to pray,” Trump said in that late-January interview. “The office is so powerful that you need God even more because your decisions … Continue reading Even For Politico This Is So Gross: Happy Easter!

A fart in church

One of the best parts about writing for this blog is the diversity of thought and experience of the readership. That’s not me blowing smoke. It’s true. I have found that I learned a lot about my own position on this big blue rock from hearing of the positions of others here than I learned anywhere else. Agreement, disagreement, whatever. It comes down to people coming at an idea I have from a variety of angles. Never more is this true than in the field of religion, where not only do people come from various faiths, but various positions on … Continue reading A fart in church

A Place to Rest in Their Own Damn Country

We are unkind, right now:  There are relatively few dedicated Muslim cemeteries around the country, so many Muslim communities use sections of other cemeteries to bury their dead. In Dudley, the proposal from the Islamic Society of Greater Worcester has been met with angry comments at local meetings. “You want a Muslim cemetery? Fine. Put it in your backyard, not mine,” Daniel Grazulis said during a zoning meeting in February, drawing a round of applause. Jason Talerman, a lawyer for the Islamic Society, said he believes the opposition is rooted in Islamophobia. “They like to say it under the guise … Continue reading A Place to Rest in Their Own Damn Country

Laborare est Orare

Yes. Yes a thousand times. Every time something like this happens, I dread the platitudes, the “prayers up!” messages, the ways in which we’ve made faith into some kind of dodge that makes us good people. Like if we think and pray, that gets us out of something. Like that’s what we have to do. It’s insulting, and not just to people for whom prayer is talking to an imaginary, ridiculous friend. It’s insulting to people for whom prayer is a real act of faith. It’s insulting to people for whom prayer is critical, is active and purposeful and rooted … Continue reading Laborare est Orare

Everyone In Their Own Box: Pope Francis and U.S. Politics

We should listen to our spiritual leaders, always, unless they’re advocating something that would take us out of power, in which case they should just talk nonsense like angels and blessings and “prayers up” and shit: Still, some of those who were listening took issue with his reference to issues Congress considers in its purview, such as climate change. Inhofe, a leading voice denying climate change exists, says that programs to control carbon emissions would hurt the poor with rising energy costs more than they would save the planet. And Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., warns that the pope might have … Continue reading Everyone In Their Own Box: Pope Francis and U.S. Politics

What We Are Afraid Of

Hearing another’s voice will hurt you:  “While it might seem an odd juxtaposition to have the adhan chanted in the same tower from which bells toll daily (and twice on Sundays!), it is actually in keeping with the university’s commitment to fostering the spiritual development of all students,” Sapp wrote. “The chanting of the adhan communicates to the Muslim community that it is welcome here, that its worship matters, that these prayers enhance the community and that all are invited to stop on a Friday afternoon and pray.” By Thursday afternoon, the university had reversed itself. “Duke remains committed to fostering … Continue reading What We Are Afraid Of

Mike Huckabee and God Have Never Met

Just once I wish these people constantly humping God’s leg would act like they have some passing familiarity with the Fellow’s greatest hits: “I know there’s a god, and I know this nation would not exist without him as the midwife of its birth,” Huckabee told the near-capacity crowd of conservative activists. “And I know that if this nation forgets god, god will have every right to forget us.” After sharing a joke about how god should “apologize” to Sodom and Gomorrah if he decides not to strike down America for its wickedness, Huckabee spoke of his “hope” that the … Continue reading Mike Huckabee and God Have Never Met

Mike Huckabee and God Have Never Met

Just once I wish these people constantly humping God’s leg would act like they have some passing familiarity with the Fellow’s greatest hits: “I know there’s a god, and I know this nation would not exist without him as the midwife of its birth,” Huckabee told the near-capacity crowd of conservative activists. “And I know that if this nation forgets god, god will have every right to forget us.” After sharing a joke about how god should “apologize” to Sodom and Gomorrah if he decides not to strike down America for its wickedness, Huckabee spoke of his “hope” that the … Continue reading Mike Huckabee and God Have Never Met

Malaka Of The Week: Operation Save America

  Even groups that come to protest here in Sin City feel compelled to post a picture of Bourbon Street. In this instance, it's Operation Rescue who are apparently out to save America. Their target is, of course, death/abortion mills. The only mills on Bourbon Street are Gin and T-Shirt mills. Operation Save America, or whatever the hell you want to call them, has, of course, not restricted its protests to so-called "death mills" and that is why it/they is/are malaka of the week. I was originally going to focus on the group's malakatudinous protests outside a doctor's home in … Continue reading Malaka Of The Week: Operation Save America

Someone Who Is Needy

Homeless Jesus is inappropriate, clearly: DAVIDSON, N.C. — A sculpture of Jesus as a homeless man installed outside a church in Davidson has neighbors and church leaders debating its message and appropriateness. According to articles on sculptor Timothy P. Schmalz’s website, the same “Homeless Jesus” now at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church was rejected by cathedrals in New York and Canada. Schmalz’s site also includes articles claiming Pope Francis blessed and accepted “Homeless Jesus” into Vatican City. From a distance, especially at dusk, you would swear the sculpture is a real-life homeless man sleeping on a bench in front of the … Continue reading Someone Who Is Needy

Someone Who Is Needy

Homeless Jesus is inappropriate, clearly: DAVIDSON, N.C. — A sculpture of Jesus as a homeless man installed outside a church in Davidson has neighbors and church leaders debating its message and appropriateness. According to articles on sculptor Timothy P. Schmalz’s website, the same “Homeless Jesus” now at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church was rejected by cathedrals in New York and Canada. Schmalz’s site also includes articles claiming Pope Francis blessed and accepted “Homeless Jesus” into Vatican City. From a distance, especially at dusk, you would swear the sculpture is a real-life homeless man sleeping on a bench in front of the … Continue reading Someone Who Is Needy

Someone Who Is Needy

Homeless Jesus is inappropriate, clearly: DAVIDSON, N.C. — A sculpture of Jesus as a homeless man installed outside a church in Davidson has neighbors and church leaders debating its message and appropriateness. According to articles on sculptor Timothy P. Schmalz’s website, the same “Homeless Jesus” now at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church was rejected by cathedrals in New York and Canada. Schmalz’s site also includes articles claiming Pope Francis blessed and accepted “Homeless Jesus” into Vatican City. From a distance, especially at dusk, you would swear the sculpture is a real-life homeless man sleeping on a bench in front of the … Continue reading Someone Who Is Needy

Someone Who Is Needy

Homeless Jesus is inappropriate, clearly: DAVIDSON, N.C. — A sculpture of Jesus as a homeless man installed outside a church in Davidson has neighbors and church leaders debating its message and appropriateness. According to articles on sculptor Timothy P. Schmalz’s website, the same “Homeless Jesus” now at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church was rejected by cathedrals in New York and Canada. Schmalz’s site also includes articles claiming Pope Francis blessed and accepted “Homeless Jesus” into Vatican City. From a distance, especially at dusk, you would swear the sculpture is a real-life homeless man sleeping on a bench in front of the … Continue reading Someone Who Is Needy

Someone Who Is Needy

Homeless Jesus is inappropriate, clearly: DAVIDSON, N.C. — A sculpture of Jesus as a homeless man installed outside a church in Davidson has neighbors and church leaders debating its message and appropriateness. According to articles on sculptor Timothy P. Schmalz’s website, the same “Homeless Jesus” now at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church was rejected by cathedrals in New York and Canada. Schmalz’s site also includes articles claiming Pope Francis blessed and accepted “Homeless Jesus” into Vatican City. From a distance, especially at dusk, you would swear the sculpture is a real-life homeless man sleeping on a bench in front of the … Continue reading Someone Who Is Needy

Someone Who Is Needy

Homeless Jesus is inappropriate, clearly: DAVIDSON, N.C. — A sculpture of Jesus as a homeless man installed outside a church in Davidson has neighbors and church leaders debating its message and appropriateness. According to articles on sculptor Timothy P. Schmalz’s website, the same “Homeless Jesus” now at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church was rejected by cathedrals in New York and Canada. Schmalz’s site also includes articles claiming Pope Francis blessed and accepted “Homeless Jesus” into Vatican City. From a distance, especially at dusk, you would swear the sculpture is a real-life homeless man sleeping on a bench in front of the … Continue reading Someone Who Is Needy

Someone Who Is Needy

Homeless Jesus is inappropriate, clearly: DAVIDSON, N.C. — A sculpture of Jesus as a homeless man installed outside a church in Davidson has neighbors and church leaders debating its message and appropriateness. According to articles on sculptor Timothy P. Schmalz’s website, the same “Homeless Jesus” now at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church was rejected by cathedrals in New York and Canada. Schmalz’s site also includes articles claiming Pope Francis blessed and accepted “Homeless Jesus” into Vatican City. From a distance, especially at dusk, you would swear the sculpture is a real-life homeless man sleeping on a bench in front of the … Continue reading Someone Who Is Needy

Someone Who Is Needy

Homeless Jesus is inappropriate, clearly: DAVIDSON, N.C. — A sculpture of Jesus as a homeless man installed outside a church in Davidson has neighbors and church leaders debating its message and appropriateness. According to articles on sculptor Timothy P. Schmalz’s website, the same “Homeless Jesus” now at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church was rejected by cathedrals in New York and Canada. Schmalz’s site also includes articles claiming Pope Francis blessed and accepted “Homeless Jesus” into Vatican City. From a distance, especially at dusk, you would swear the sculpture is a real-life homeless man sleeping on a bench in front of the … Continue reading Someone Who Is Needy

Someone Who Is Needy

Homeless Jesus is inappropriate, clearly: DAVIDSON, N.C. — A sculpture of Jesus as a homeless man installed outside a church in Davidson has neighbors and church leaders debating its message and appropriateness. According to articles on sculptor Timothy P. Schmalz’s website, the same “Homeless Jesus” now at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church was rejected by cathedrals in New York and Canada. Schmalz’s site also includes articles claiming Pope Francis blessed and accepted “Homeless Jesus” into Vatican City. From a distance, especially at dusk, you would swear the sculpture is a real-life homeless man sleeping on a bench in front of the … Continue reading Someone Who Is Needy

Mike Huckabee and God Have Never Met

Just once I wish these people constantly humping God’s leg would act like they have some passing familiarity with the Fellow’s greatest hits: “I know there’s a god, and I know this nation would not exist without him as the midwife of its birth,” Huckabee told the near-capacity crowd of conservative activists. “And I know that if this nation forgets god, god will have every right to forget us.” After sharing a joke about how god should “apologize” to Sodom and Gomorrah if he decides not to strike down America for its wickedness, Huckabee spoke of his “hope” that the … Continue reading Mike Huckabee and God Have Never Met

Someone Who Is Needy

Homeless Jesus is inappropriate, clearly: DAVIDSON, N.C. — A sculpture of Jesus as a homeless man installed outside a church in Davidson has neighbors and church leaders debating its message and appropriateness. According to articles on sculptor Timothy P. Schmalz’s website, the same “Homeless Jesus” now at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church was rejected by cathedrals in New York and Canada. Schmalz’s site also includes articles claiming Pope Francis blessed and accepted “Homeless Jesus” into Vatican City. From a distance, especially at dusk, you would swear the sculpture is a real-life homeless man sleeping on a bench in front of the … Continue reading Someone Who Is Needy

You’re In My Prayers

I know it’s becoming the Pope Frank fanblog around here, but this is actually genuis: Krajewski gets his marching orders each morning: A Vatican gendarme goes from the Vatican hotel where Francis lives to Krajewski’s office across the Vatican gardens, bringing a bundle of letters that the pope has received from the faithful asking for help. On the top of each letter, Francis might write “You know what to do” or “Go find them” or “Go talk to them.” And so Don Corrado, as he likes to be called, hits the streets of Rome and beyond. He visits homes for … Continue reading You’re In My Prayers

On The Road With Cardinal Scola

It’s conclave Tuesday, y’all. The gathering of what Charlie Pierce loves to call the “cult of the red beanie.” I have no red-hatted dog in this fight but I’ve gotten a kick out some of the pre-conclave spin. My favorite was this item about Cardinal Angelo Scola of Milano: To illustrate that life is a journey, one of the Italian cardinals touted as a favorite to be the next pope doesn’t just turn to the Scriptures – but also to Jack Kerouac and Cormac McCarthy. Angelo Scola, the archbishop of Milan, is seen as Italy’s best chance at reclaiming the … Continue reading On The Road With Cardinal Scola

Pope Francis is Wrong Because Fuck Obama

I haven’t ventured over into the Breitbart Memorial Museum for Fuckwittery in a long time, because a) why and b) no, but last week Pope Frank decided to point out that hoarding money isn’t cool, and that any system that doesn’t serve the needs of everybody needs to be amscrayed, just as his Employer once commanded. Not a radical statement, unless you’re following on the heels of Pope Prada of the Hitler Youth during a time of epic income inequality reinforced by every major mainstream media outlet in the entire world. So most people were quite pleased to hear a … Continue reading Pope Francis is Wrong Because Fuck Obama

Infamous Idaho Potatoheads

One of the many things I loved about the Toy Story movies was the voice casting of one of my comedic heroes, Don Rickles, as the voice of Mr. Potatohead. When I heard about the latest dumbshit gun nut story, I heard the voice of Mr. Warmth calling everyone involved hockey pucks. I’d use stronger language but Rickles “works clean” as they say in the Borscht Belt. Anyway, here’s the story that’s shocked even me with its egregious malakatude and hockey puckery: An Idaho lawmaker who had his concealed weapon permit revoked for lying about a long-ago guilty plea to … Continue reading Infamous Idaho Potatoheads

Infamous Idaho Potatoheads

One of the many things I loved about the Toy Story movies was the voice casting of one of my comedic heroes, Don Rickles, as the voice of Mr. Potatohead. When I heard about the latest dumbshit gun nut story, I heard the voice of Mr. Warmth calling everyone involved hockey pucks. I’d use stronger language but Rickles “works clean” as they say in the Borscht Belt. Anyway, here’s the story that’s shocked even me with its egregious malakatude and hockey puckery: An Idaho lawmaker who had his concealed weapon permit revoked for lying about a long-ago guilty plea to … Continue reading Infamous Idaho Potatoheads