Boardwalk Empire Thread: 13 Stops Closer To Downtown


Boardwalk Empire creator Terence Winter is a protege of David Chase and was one of the mainstays of the Sopranos writing staff and production team. To call The Sopranos series finale cryptic is an understatement. Winter chose another path to conclude 5 seasons of his series. Here’s a link to an interview he gave Alan Sepinwall about the rise and fall of Nucky Thompson. Warning: it contains spoilers up the wazoo so you should only read it if you’ve seen El Dorado.

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Boardwalk Empire Thread: Friendless Child


Nucky Thompson starts the penultimate episode of Boardwalk Empire fighting a gang war that he has no chance of winning. It’s hard being a fictional gangster up against real world criminals who live long and prosper. Nucky’s empire once looked sold and substantial, but it’s being swept away like sand by someone much more ruthless than he’s ever been: Charlie Lucky Luciano.

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Boardwalk Empire Thread: Van Weirdo, R.I.P.

BE Devil You Know

I didn’t get the memo about the final season of Boardwalk Empire being only 8 episodes. I learned it *after* the dramatic events of last night and now I understand why they put the pedal to the medal.

I tried to resist using this post title but I could not. Van Weirdo has been living on doomed turncoat copper/gangster borrowed time since season-2 but I won’t go into the *other* big event of Devil You Know until after the break.

Continue reading “Boardwalk Empire Thread: Van Weirdo, R.I.P.”

Boardwalk Empire Thread: King Of Norway

Eli and Van Weirdo

It’s hard being a Thompson brother. Nucky used to be King of Atlantic City and now Luciano wants him dead. Nucky survives the second attempt, Joe Maranzano is not as lucky as Nucky. In Chicago, Eli’s life has become a self-described “fucking shipwreck.” He’s so far gone that he doesn’t recall diddling Mrs. Van Weirdo on her kitchen chair until he sees a picture of the King of Norway on the wall. In the immortal words of Van Weirdo, “land ho.”

Now that I’ve thoroughly bummed you out, it’s time for me to natter on whilst pretending to have organized my thoughts. I am, however, sufficiently organized to insert a break without seeing King Haakon VII on the wall; the sighting that gave the episode its title. I promise not to make too many puns on his name, nobody wants to hear a blogger haakon a lugee…

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Boardwalk Empire Thread: Cuanto?

Screen Shot 2014-09-28 at 10_44_06 PM

Things are not going well for Nucky Thompson. One attempt has already been made on his life and there will be more to come. He’s merely rich instead of super-rich after making “legitimate” investments in the stock market. One woman close to him exits his life while another one returns but it’s uncertain for how long. The deal with Joe Kennedy appears to be off but not before the original wolf of wall street flirts with Margaret, offers her oysters and a ride home to New York. I’m pretty sure that ride was a double entendre…

After the break we’ll move on to my weekly random, discursive and sporadically relevant comments:

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Boardwalk Empire Thread: Say It Ain’t So, Joe


I must admit to finding the 7 year jump from season-4 to season-5 somewhat disconcerting. That’s a lot of plot water under the bridge. My understanding is that HBO and the producers of Boardwalk Empire agreed to wrap it up after 5 seasons. So it goes. It has made for a bit of extra exposition but what’s a little exposure among friends. It was obviously best to end a series about bootleggers with the repeal of the dread Volstead Act. That’s where we find ourselves. Cheers, bottoms up.

What Jesus Said focuses primarily on some of the core, original characters, which is always a good thing. I did, however, miss Al Capone’s demonic laugh and the weird glint in the artist formerly known as Agent Van Weirdo’s eyes. My  random, discursive and sporadically amusing comments will commence after the break.

Continue reading “Boardwalk Empire Thread: Say It Ain’t So, Joe”

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Different dogs, same fucking bones

It’s going to be a short one this week. The Good Listener was an episode that set the stage for the rest of the season so Imma keep it brief. Al Capone is on top of the world, ma. He’s a celebrity who gives interviews in his underwear while being fitted by a tailor. His world, however, is about to come crumbling down later in year: the IRS is on his trail. Nucky’s world is not so rosy. He took a hit in the 1929 crash; so much for legitimate investments. Now he’s trying to get some respectables to go into business … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Different dogs, same fucking bones

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Ever talk on the telephone?


I didn’t recap Season-4 of  Boardwalk Empire, in part, because the first episode didn’t float my boat. But I was also in mourning for one of my all-time favorite characters, Gyp Rosetti. I was wrong about last season, it was extraordinary, with the introduction of a great villain in Dr. Narcisse and the dramatic departure of the world’s most lovable hit man, Richard Harrow. R.I.P. sweet homicidal prince:

Harrow under the boardwalk

That was a long way of saying that I’m recapping Season-5. The premiere episode, Golden Days for Girls and Boys, was a great set up for the final season. They’ve advanced the action to 1931, which was a momentous year for two of the real life characters, Charlie Lucky Luciano and Al Capone. It’s also the year that Nucky starts planning for the return of legal booze by corrupting a Senator and cutting a deal in Havana with the Bacardi people. Party on, Nuckster. Nucky is ready to go full circle and become legit again. I have the feeling that some of his old partners aren’t going to be very co-operative. He’ll probably have a Pacino in Godfather Three moment.

Continue reading “Boardwalk Empire Thread: Ever talk on the telephone?”

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Arrivederci, Gypster


The war for criminal control of Atlantic City is over and the winnah and
still champeen is Nucky Thompson. But he neither acts nor feels triumphalist at
the end of the season finale, Margate Sands. Btw, the title is drawn
from TS Eliot’s epic poemThe Wasteland and that’s what AC feels like
when the guns are silenced. How’s
that for highbrow, y’all?

The primary theme of the episode is betrayal. There’s so much backstabbing
and double dealing going on that it seemed like a smoked-filled room at the1924
Democratic Convention.
That’s the one that went a record 123 ballots, and
produced a dark horse nominee, John W. Davis, who went on to be slaughtered by
Silent Cal in the general election. Of course, that’s in the future, Boardwalk

Reety alrighty, here are some scatter shot observations, hopefully a few
will hit the target:

Machiavelli Thompson: Nucky’s allies spill a lot of blood
but victory is really secured by playing the old bait and switch. Nucky devises
a brilliant scheme to get Arnold Rothstein’s help in convincing Masseria to
betray my main man, Gyp. Andrew Mellon’s inactive distillery is used as bait.
The trap is laid by Icky Mickey Doyle who pretends to betray Nucky to Rothstein
in the way that only a fake Irishman who is really Jewish can do. What that
means, I’ll never know, but I like the sound of it…

The greedy and conniving Rothstein swallows the bait hook, line and sinker. Sucker.
He cuts a deal with Nucky to take over the distillery by getting Masseria to
dump Gyp. This is, in turn, accomplished by Rothstein’s betrayal of his smack
dealing pal, Charlie Lucky. Masseria gets the heroin and a player to be named
later and Gyp gets got.

There’s yet another turn of the screw when Nucky betrays Arnie baby by
alerting the Feds that the latter is operating the Overholt distillery. Nucky
even gets the uber plutocratic Mellon to do his dirty work for him. The plan
was a thing of manipulative beauty, y’all.

Richard Channels Travis Bickle: The first time I watched
Richard’s balletic bordello bloodbath, I knew it reminded me of something. On
second viewing I realized that it was reminiscent of the finale ofTaxi
: an armed gunman shoots up a whorehouse to rescue someone. Scorsese
is one of the executive producers ofBE,
and this was the most Marty-like episode evah.

I’m not really sure what will become of poor Richard. When he dropped Tommy
off at Julia’s pad, he was too ashamed to enter and track blood on the carpet.
I’m hoping that Richard will be back: Nucky could use a graceful gunslinger,
after all.

Continue reading “Boardwalk Empire Thread: Arrivederci, Gypster”

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Boxing Day


impresario Terry Winter put the pedal to the medal with last week’s
entry, A Man, A Plan. Whereas the previous episode meandered in a concussive daze, episode-10 was
chock-full-O-payoffs and, not surprisingly, revenge.

Nucky’s war against Gyp Rosetti and Joe Masseria isn’t going
well. Not only does he lack allies, but Charlie Lucky and Meyer Lansky sold him
out to Masseria with tragic consequences for Margaret and IRA Man Owen. The
former had formally decided to run off with the latter but bootlegger
fratricide got in the way of their escape.

of course, was deputized to whack Masseria. Unfortunately for the savvy and
experienced hit man, they saw him coming and the poor bastard was delivered to
the Atlantic City Ritz-Carlton in a crate hence the title of the post. Making
matters worse, Margaret was there for the delivery and flipped out. I think
even the usually clueless Nuckster may add 1 and 1 up and get 2 instead of 11.
Okay enough arithmetic, I don’t want to exhaust any Gopers who may be reading

Continue reading “Boardwalk Empire Thread: Boxing Day”

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Shooting Up The Ritz


Gyp Rosetti is moving in on Nucky Thompson’s Atlantic City
fiefdom. In fact, Nucky is on the run after Gyp’s guys burst into Nucky’s suite
at the Ritz and shot up the joint in the opening scene ofTwo Impostors. The Nuckster is bound to be banned from swank hotel
life after this. It makes a Keith Moon room trashing look sedate. I suspect the
AC Ritz would rather have Led Zeppelin as guests. Should I go on? Nah.

On to a few terse comments about the not so terse turf war, and then I’ll tersely order a surf and turf:

Chalky’s Back:
I’ve been demanding the return of my favorite illiterate but awesome gangster for
weeks now. We’ve had a few Chalky teasers but he’s back in his full blown
glory. Why? Nucky runs home to Chalky after Gyp’s gang seriously wounds his
faithful factotum Eddie. It takes time for Nucky to fully grovel but after Gyp
offers Chalky $25K to sell out Nucky, the latter finally gives in.

Chalky’s proto-Buppie future son-in-law reappears to doctor Eddie’s
gut wound. He keeps saying: “I’m only a student” but it looks like
he’s got a promising future as a mob surgeon. It’s unclear as to whether Eddie will make it
but, hey, at least Nucky knows he has a family now.

Continue reading “Boardwalk Empire Thread: Shooting Up The Ritz”

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Boxing Day


impresario Terry Winter put the pedal to the medal with last week’s
entry, A Man, A Plan. Whereas the previous episode meandered in a concussive daze, episode-10 was
chock-full-O-payoffs and, not surprisingly, revenge.

Nucky’s war against Gyp Rosetti and Joe Masseria isn’t going
well. Not only does he lack allies, but Charlie Lucky and Meyer Lansky sold him
out to Masseria with tragic consequences for Margaret and IRA Man Owen. The
former had formally decided to run off with the latter but bootlegger
fratricide got in the way of their escape.

of course, was deputized to whack Masseria. Unfortunately for the savvy and
experienced hit man, they saw him coming and the poor bastard was delivered to
the Atlantic City Ritz-Carlton in a crate hence the title of the post. Making
matters worse, Margaret was there for the delivery and flipped out. I think
even the usually clueless Nuckster may add 1 and 1 up and get 2 instead of 11.
Okay enough arithmetic, I don’t want to exhaust any Gopers who may be reading

Continue reading “Boardwalk Empire Thread: Boxing Day”

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Remus doesn’t get arrested

I’m late with this so I’m going to try something different and more concise. Hey, stop laughing out there, I can be positively terse at times. Anyway, here’s a list of things that we-or the characters-learned from the latest episode of Boardwalk Empire: Remus learns that corrupt politcians don’t always stay bought. He still hasn’t learned that referring to yourself in the third person makes you sound crazy or like Bob Dole. Nucky learns that you shouldn’t have important meetings with gangster gonniffs when you have a concusssion. It leads to mistaking your awesome ally Chalky White for a bootblack. … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Remus doesn’t get arrested

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Remus doesn’t get arrested

I’m late with this so I’m going to try something different and more concise. Hey, stop laughing out there, I can be positively terse at times. Anyway, here’s a list of things that we-or the characters-learned from the latest episode ofBoardwalk Empire: Remus learns that corrupt politcians don’t always stay bought. He still hasn’t learned that referring to yourself in the third person makes you sound crazy or like Bob Dole. Nucky learns that you shouldn’t have important meetings with gangster gonniffs when you have a concusssion. It leads to mistaking your awesome ally Chalky White for a bootblack. Oops. … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Remus doesn’t get arrested

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Bone For Tuna

The ghost of Jimmy Darmody haunts the third episode of Season 3.Nucky sees a very young and very blonde Jimmy several times throughout the episode. He’s a cute youngun with a bullet hole in his head. Notice the picture above wherein Nucky looks as if he has seen a ghost and he has: the Jimmy apparition is one of the boy’s choir. We see Nucky and Jillian together for the first time since the former whacked the latter’s son. But only at a distance: Jillian glares and Nucky glowers as he drops my man Gyp off at her fancy bordello. … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Bone For Tuna

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Our intercourse is concluded

No, that’s not Nucky talking to his mistress, Billie. The line was spoken by James Cromwell as Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon to conclude a phone conversation with Nucky. The latter approached the plutocrat at the stuffiest men’s club ever. The Nuckster had a proposal to deal with their mutual enemy, Attorney General Harry Daugherty. Nucky gets the bum’s rush at the club, so he thinks Mellon is done with him but the mogul wanted to finish their business on the phone. Nucky got everything he wanted: a bootlegger patsy in George Remus and the chance to operate a Mellon distillery … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Our intercourse is concluded

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Easter Sunday Bloody Sunday

Boardwalk portrait

Easter Sunday, 1923. It’s a day for family gatherings, which can be weirder
than hell. Since we’re talking Boardwalk Empire, they, quite naturally,
veer off in odd and unexpected directions. Sort of like Easters in my family.
Of course, it was all very Greeky Greek complete with the e gg crushing Christos anesti thing
and roast leg of lamb. But I digress; anyone surprised by that? I thought not.

dokey. On to this week’s rantings, ravings, and other R words to be named

Thompson Family Values: The episode
opens with Eli skulking about his yard in his bathrobe. He’s hiding something:
booze; cash; a gat? What the hell is it? Easter eggs, that’s what. It’s time
for the annual Thompson egg hunt and if you find the red one you get a whole quarter.
Golly, Wally. I would have thought that Eli’s family would have its own
softball team since he has 444 kids.

Margaret, Emily, and Pyro-boy come for the day in-what else?-their Sunday Best, which is-you guessed it-the episode title. It’s the first time that the
Eli Thompsons have met Margaret and her brood. Not a big surprise since Eli
just got sprung from the pokey after betraying the Nuckster. Despite that
unpromising start, things go pretty darn well. Eli’s wife, June, flatters Nucky
and Margaret into submission. The latter, in fact, blurts out to June that
Nucky has nookie on the side. It’s the first time we’ve seen Margaret open up
to anyone but IRA Man Owen and, well, never mind…

Thompson brothers finally bury the hatchet. Eli grovels, Nucky rants, and they
kinda sorta kiss and make up since Nucky needs someone/anyone with half a brain
in his criminal enterprise. And Eli qualifies…

and Margaret, however, do NOT bury the hatchet. She’s amused to learn that he
can juggle and tell a few jokes; and he’s amused to learn that she can sing the
old Irish ditty I’ll Tell Me Ma. He
again tentatively reaches out to her and she goes all Carole King on him and
sings “It’s Too Late.” Not really but it *is* what she says…

Continue reading “Boardwalk Empire Thread: Easter Sunday Bloody Sunday”

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Ging Gang Goolie

It’s hard being a corrupt Attorney General. Harry Daugherty is under investigation and his pudgy bag man, Jess Smith, has a meltdown at a Boy Scout shebang, which was probably caused by the Scouts rendition of the excreable dirt sleeping anthem, Ging Gang Goolie. I know that it gave me nightmares. My skin crawls at the very thought of camping. I am a city boy and damn proud of it. Now where was I? Oh yeah, Nucky is pissed off at Harry who reciprocates by having the Nuckster tossed in the hoosegow. Nucky chills in the cooler, and then is … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Ging Gang Goolie

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Chalky White Meets Eddie Cantor

I hate to be repetitive, but Nucky Thompson is still in a vile mood. Given the episode title, You’d Be Surprised, that probably shouldn’t be so, BUT the man is in a world of shit. He’s called on the carpet by Arnold Rothstein in the wake of the Taber Heights massacre and told he’s acting like a lovesick schoolboy in carrying on with Billie the showgirl. She, however, fits neatly into Nucky’s pattern of bringing home strays and rescuing damsels in distress. Speaking of distress, Margaret meets Billie in the company of Nucky at the snooty French boutique. Poor form, … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Chalky White Meets Eddie Cantor

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Ging Gang Goolie

It’s hard being a corrupt Attorney General. Harry Daugherty is under investigation and his pudgy bag man, Jess Smith, has a meltdown at a Boy Scout shebang, which was probably caused by the Scouts rendition of the excreable dirt sleeping anthem, Ging Gang Goolie. I know that it gave me nightmares. My skin crawls at the very thought of camping. I am a city boy and damn proud of it. Now where was I? Oh yeah, Nucky is pissed off at Harry who reciprocates by having the Nuckster tossed in the hoosegow. Nucky chills in the cooler, and then is … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Ging Gang Goolie

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Go buy a personality

Nucky Thompson is still in a bad mood when Blue Bell Boybegins. Beating the legal system hasn’t improved his disposition at all. I’m not sure that being all-gangster works with his self image but it’s been great for the show. The post title was said by the Nuckster to one of his lame henchman. Good help has always been hard to find, y’all. And it bites Nucky in his skinny Irish ass. Okay, time to ramble. I’m feeling kinda like Dicky Betts, only without the tats, cowboy hat and coke habit: V is for Vagina: The Margaret-Hospital story really clicked … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Go buy a personality

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Chalky White Meets Eddie Cantor

I hate to be repetitive, but Nucky Thompson is still in a vile mood. Given the episode title, You’d Be Surprised, that probably shouldn’t be so, BUT the man is in a world of shit. He’s called on the carpet by Arnold Rothstein in the wake of the Taber Heights massacre and told he’s acting like a lovesick schoolboy in carrying on with Billie the showgirl. She, however, fits neatly into Nucky’s pattern of bringing home strays and rescuing damsels in distress. Speaking of distress, Margaret meets Billie in the company of Nucky at the snooty French boutique. Poor form, … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Chalky White Meets Eddie Cantor

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Go buy a personality

Nucky Thompson is still in a bad mood when Blue Bell Boybegins. Beating the legal system hasn’t improved his disposition at all. I’m not sure that being all-gangster works with his self image but it’s been great for the show. The post title was said by the Nuckster to one of his lame henchman. Good help has always been hard to find, y’all. And it bites Nucky in his skinny Irish ass. Okay, time to ramble. I’m feeling kinda likeDicky Betts, only without the tats, cowboy hat and coke habit: V is for Vagina: The Margaret-Hospital story really clicked for … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Go buy a personality

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Bone For Tuna

The ghost of Jimmy Darmody haunts the third episode of Season 3.Nucky sees a very young and very blonde Jimmy several times throughout the episode. He’s a cute youngun with a bullet hole in his head. Notice the picture above wherein Nucky looks as if he has seen a ghost and he has: the Jimmy apparition is one of the boy’s choir. We see Nucky and Jillian together for the first time since the former whacked the latter’s son. But only at a distance: Jillian glares and Nucky glowers as he drops my man Gyp off at her fancy bordello. … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Bone For Tuna

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Coffee and Spaghetti Talk

Nucky Thompson has gone full gangster in Season 3 of Boardwalk Empire. That means that he’s insulating himself from day-to-day bootleg sales. It’s causing him all sorts of problems with the man on the right above, Gyp Rosetti. You know, the guy who called him a “fucking bread stick in a bow tie.” Gyp is now obliged to buy booze via Arnold Rothstein. Gyp is not amused and he’s one scary motherfucker when he’s not amused. Okey doke, on to this week’s random and discursive comments on episode 2, Coffee and Spaghetti: Eli’s Coming (Home) Nucky’s feckless and rather dim … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Coffee and Spaghetti Talk

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Coffee and Spaghetti Talk

Nucky Thompson has gone full gangster in Season 3 ofBoardwalk Empire. That means that he’s insulating himself from day-to-day bootleg sales. It’s causing him all sorts of problems with the man on the right above, Gyp Rosetti. You know, the guy who called him a “fucking bread stick in a bow tie.” Gyp is now obliged to buy booze via Arnold Rothstein. Gyp is not amused and he’s one scary motherfucker when he’s not amused. Okey doke, on to this week’s random and discursive comments on episode 2, Coffee and Spaghetti: Eli’s Coming (Home) Nucky’s feckless and rather dim brother … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Coffee and Spaghetti Talk

Boardwalk Empire Thread: A fucking breadstick in a bow tie

I’ve been meaning to blog Boardwalk Empire since season-1 but life kept getting in the way. I’m going to bitch slap life and tell her to get the hell out of the way. End of semi-useless introductory paragraph. Okey dokey, time for some random and discursive (do I make any other kind?) comments on the season-3 opener, Resolution. Viva NYE: Showrunner/auteur Terence Winter seems to love New Year’s Eve. This is the second time he’s opened a season with a party scene replete with folks drinking Nucky’s booze and getting paid off by him. This time there was an Egyptian … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: A fucking breadstick in a bow tie

Boardwalk Empire Thread: A fucking breadstick in a bow tie

I’ve been meaning to blogBoardwalk Empire since season-1 but life kept getting in the way. I’m going to bitch slap life and tell her to get the hell out of the way. End of semi-useless introductory paragraph. Okey dokey, time for some random and discursive (do I make any other kind?) comments on the season-3 opener, Resolution. Viva NYE: Showrunner/auteur Terence Winter seems to love New Year’s Eve. This is the second time he’s opened a season with a party scene replete with folks drinking Nucky’s booze and getting paid off by him. This time there was an Egyptian theme … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: A fucking breadstick in a bow tie

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Arrivederci, Gypster


The war for criminal control of Atlantic City is over and the winnah and
still champeen is Nucky Thompson. But he neither acts nor feels triumphalist at
the end of the season finale, Margate Sands. Btw, the title is drawn
from TS Eliot’s epic poem The Wasteland and that’s what AC feels like
when the guns are silenced. How’s
that for highbrow, y’all?

The primary theme of the episode is betrayal. There’s so much backstabbing
and double dealing going on that it seemed like a smoked-filled room at the 1924
Democratic Convention.
That’s the one that went a record 123 ballots, and
produced a dark horse nominee, John W. Davis, who went on to be slaughtered by
Silent Cal in the general election. Of course, that’s in the future, Boardwalk

Reety alrighty, here are some scatter shot observations, hopefully a few
will hit the target:

Machiavelli Thompson: Nucky’s allies spill a lot of blood
but victory is really secured by playing the old bait and switch. Nucky devises
a brilliant scheme to get Arnold Rothstein’s help in convincing Masseria to
betray my main man, Gyp. Andrew Mellon’s inactive distillery is used as bait.
The trap is laid by Icky Mickey Doyle who pretends to betray Nucky to Rothstein
in the way that only a fake Irishman who is really Jewish can do. What that
means, I’ll never know, but I like the sound of it…

The greedy and conniving Rothstein swallows the bait hook, line and sinker. Sucker.
He cuts a deal with Nucky to take over the distillery by getting Masseria to
dump Gyp. This is, in turn, accomplished by Rothstein’s betrayal of his smack
dealing pal, Charlie Lucky. Masseria gets the heroin and a player to be named
later and Gyp gets got.

There’s yet another turn of the screw when Nucky betrays Arnie baby by
alerting the Feds that the latter is operating the Overholt distillery. Nucky
even gets the uber plutocratic Mellon to do his dirty work for him. The plan
was a thing of manipulative beauty, y’all.

Richard Channels Travis Bickle: The first time I watched
Richard’s balletic bordello bloodbath, I knew it reminded me of something. On
second viewing I realized that it was reminiscent of the finale of Taxi
: an armed gunman shoots up a whorehouse to rescue someone. Scorsese
is one of the executive producers of BE,
and this was the most Marty-like episode evah.

I’m not really sure what will become of poor Richard. When he dropped Tommy
off at Julia’s pad, he was too ashamed to enter and track blood on the carpet.
I’m hoping that Richard will be back: Nucky could use a graceful gunslinger,
after all.

Continue reading “Boardwalk Empire Thread: Arrivederci, Gypster”

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Our intercourse is concluded

No, that’s not Nucky talking to his mistress, Billie. The line was spoken by James Cromwell as Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon to conclude a phone conversation with Nucky. The latter approached the plutocrat at the stuffiest men’s club ever. The Nuckster had a proposal to deal with their mutual enemy, Attorney General Harry Daugherty. Nucky gets the bum’s rush at the club, so he thinks Mellon is done with him but the mogul wanted to finish their business on the phone. Nucky got everything he wanted: a bootlegger patsy in George Remus and the chance to operate a Mellon distillery … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Our intercourse is concluded