Leslie Nielsen, R. I.P.

As someone who cut his teeth on the Marx Brothers, Monty Python and the early Mel Brooks films, I’m a big fan of silly absurdist comedy. That’s why last weekend’s news of the passing of Leslie Nielsen saddened me. There’s been a mock debate raging as to which of Nielsen’s roles or films were the best. I’m an unabashed Naked Gun/Frank Drebbin fan myself. Last night on Countdown, Keith Olbermann did an outstanding piece on the passing of the deadpan and irreplaceable Mr. Nielsen: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640 Visit msnbc.com forbreaking news, world news, andnews about the economy Continue reading Leslie Nielsen, R. I.P.

First Draft Warmth Project: We’re From The Internet. We’re Here to Help.

Or something along those lines is what I told the Evergreen Park folks this morning when I dropped off 30-plus coats, heavy sweaters, fleecy things, warm fuzzies and all, at the Evergreen Park Community Center, along with a check for$360 for the village food pantry. According to the folks doing intake, that’ll be enough to buy food worth 16 times that. Their coat drive ended well, too, despite its rocky beginnings: 300-plus coats. The newspaper story that inspired us inspired a lot of other people to dig through their closets and find room to make others warm. Coats. LOTS of … Continue reading First Draft Warmth Project: We’re From The Internet. We’re Here to Help.

Nutty Nostalgia

Just when I think Americans can’t get any stupider, I read shit like this: TheCivil War, the most wrenching and bloody episode in American history, may not seem like much of a cause for celebration, especially in the South. And yet, as the 150th anniversary of the four-year conflict gets under way, some groups in the oldConfederacy are planning at least a certain amount of hoopla, chiefly around the glory days of secession, when 11 states declared their sovereignty under a banner of states’ rights and broke from the union. The events include a “secession ball” in the former slave … Continue reading Nutty Nostalgia

Illinois to Legalize Man on Dog

Trying to catch up to the rest of the 21st century: The Illinois General Assembly is expected to vote today on same-sex civil unions legislation in what gay rights advocates expect to be a very close vote. Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan has said he expects state lawmakers to approve the bill and the governor has voiced his support. The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act (SB 1716), which is co-sponsored by openly gay Illinois State Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago), has come under fire from conservative groups, including the Catholic Conference of Illinois and Washington D.C.-based National Organization … Continue reading Illinois to Legalize Man on Dog

Opposition to DADT Repeal is Basically Three Guys in Glenn Beck’s Audience

Seriously. What interests me are the 65-year-old and older numbers. Twenty-eight percent don’t want gay people serving, 44 percent are all for gaying the shit out of stuff, and another 28 percent don’t know, which is pollster speak forwhatever, can we get off the phone now because dinner is done and I’m starving. For all the trash I talk about just waiting for old bigots to just die off already, looks like for most of them some basic combo of approval and not giving a fuck is a clear majority on the side of justice. A. Continue reading Opposition to DADT Repeal is Basically Three Guys in Glenn Beck’s Audience

Seriously Could They Ever NOT Screw Anything Up?

This is like watching a group of puppies try to play soccer: The report aimed to refute, specifically, the “hockey stick” theory introduced by Michael Mann. Mann’s graphs showed the world’s temperature staying about the same for centuries before spiking with the Industrial Revolution. Barton wanted to take Mann down. In preparation for hearing on climate change, Barton demanded Mann turn over all his raw data and software, as well as information on all his sources of funding. Indeed, Wegman’s report — which apparently heavily plagiarized textbooks and Wikipedia — challenged the validity of Mann’s peer review by noting the … Continue reading Seriously Could They Ever NOT Screw Anything Up?

International Trash Talk

I’m less fascinated than some by theWikileaks diplomatic cable-palooza. It *is* interesting stuff but mostly shows that international and US dignitaries can be as petty, vindictive and self-serving as those of us in the general population. The leaks include some things that I could have told you just based on reading the Guardian, which is less fastidious than the American media about cleaning up after its political class. Here’s my list of un-shocking things: The Saudis want the US to bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. They always want us to do their dirty work and we often fall for it. … Continue reading International Trash Talk

WikiLeaks: It’s Not My Job to Make You Look Good

THIS, so very much: Few will be surprised to know that Vladimir Putin runs the world’s most sensational kleptocracy, that the Saudis wanted the Americans to bomb Iran, or that Pakistan’sISI is hopelessly involved with Taliban groups of fiendish complexity. We now know that Washington knows too. The full extent of American dealings with Yemen might upset that country’s government, but is hardly surprising. If it is true that the Pentagon targeted refugee camps for bombing, it should be of general concern. American congressmen might also be interested in the sums of money given to certain foreign generals supposedly to … Continue reading WikiLeaks: It’s Not My Job to Make You Look Good

Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – jive turkeys edition

Good Monday morning, all! Let’s get suited up and hit that airlock door – there’s tons of malformed Freeper “philosophy” to decant and examine.

First up –Harry Potter – tool of the Devil!

Harry Potter is Dangerous for Both You and Your Children
Mary Immaculate Queen ^ | 12-16-01 | Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI,

Posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 12:08:57 PM bymlizzy

Adapted from a Sermon of Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI, 3rd Sunday of Advent, December 16, 2001

On the First Sunday of Lent every year, we read in the Gospel of the devil tempting Our Lord. First he tries to tempt Him to gluttony, and Our Lord resists. Of course, Our Lord, because He is God, cannot be inclined to sin. But the devil, not knowing that, first tries to tempt Him to gluttony, and then to pride and power and materialism. He says to Our Lord, “Why don’t you throw yourself off this high elevation? God will save you.” Our Lord refuses. Then the devil pulls out his trump card. He shows Our Lord all the glory of the world and says, “I will give all this to you, if you will just bow down and worship me.” Of course, Our Lord refuses again. What the devil was saying here, in a sense, was “I’ll give you magic to do something that is not morally right, but it’s something you would enjoy.”

It should be evident to us, my dear parishioners, that the devil is after each one of us, tempting us in similar manner to sin and to pride. These temptations take different forms, so we must be on our guard. The devil is trying to tempt us away from serving God, from obeying God’s commandments. He is so crafty, so subtle, that often you don’t even know, unless you are very careful, how he is insinuating himself.

I believe it my duty to talk to you today about a series of books and its accompanying movie because I believe that they contain an insinuation of pride and ungodliness. I think you know what I am talking about: the Harry Potter series. I will speak both about the books and the movie, because if one reads the books, he will want to see the movie, and vice versa. I believe there are some real problems here, real spiritual danger — possibly grave spiritual danger. I will explain why. Believe me, I have refrained from saying anything about this for a long time. When the books first came out, I began to gather information on them. I wanted to analyze them to see whether or not they were good for children to be reading, and to write an article forThe Reign of Mary. I haven’t said anything up to this time because I wanted to study the matter, rather than say yes or no before I knew what I was talking about.

Let me also preface this explanation by saying that I speak now from the consciousness that one day I will have to answer to God for how I accomplished my duty to instruct you in matters of faith and morals. I certainly believe that there are matters of faith and morals involved in this particular matter.

The first problem I would like to point out are the words that are so casually used in the books and in the movie, words that are so casually used that children may start using them — yet these words are matter of mortal sin. Specifically, I am referring to such words as: sorcery, witchcraft, casting spells, communicating with the dead (necromancy). The Catholic Church very clearly tells us that these are mortal sins, and they must not be presented as though they are something permissible to try. I believe it is the devil trying to insinuate himself through the medium of human beings, trying to draw us away from Christ. These are not your usual Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Remember that children do not have the same critical ability that adults have. They read fantasy much differently than we do: they read it in a believing way.


In light of the recent release, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I’m posting this for discernment regarding the Harry Potter series of movies and books.Click for trailer.
1 posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 12:09:00 PM bymlizzy
Mizzy’s concerned that those awful magical words like “sneetch” and “Muggle” are going to conjure up the Devil out of thin air, or at the very least, President Obama.
Come to think of it, has anyone ever seen Obama and Vodemort at the same place and time? I think not!
To: mlizzy

In the scheme of things, I’d say Obama is more hazardous for one’s children than Harry Potter.

2 posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 12:11:17 PM byGaffer
To: Gaffer

You’re braver than me, using that name for The-Kenyan-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I usually just refer to him as the “former junior US Senator from Illinois”. I try to avoid saying any of his last names, whether Soetoro or the one he used in taking the Oath of Office to assume power over our country, and I have never used the title “president” for a community organizer who is even less deserving of the office than Carter, Nixon, or James Buchanan.

5 posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 12:16:22 PM byPollster1 (Natural born citizen of the USA, with the birth certificate to prove it)
YA SEE??????
Some Freepers take this with a grain of salt:
To: mlizzy
I have refrained from saying anything about this for a long time.

Casimir should have continued refraining.

He’s an idiot.

7 posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 12:18:23 PM byhumblegunner (Pablo is very wily)
Others – not so much:
To: Gaffer

In the scheme of things, I’d say Obama is more hazardous for one’s children than Harry Potter.

I don’t think the devil is particular in regard to who or what he uses to grab souls … just as long as he gets them …

My eyes were further opened regarding Potter after I read Michael D. O’Brien’s bookHarry Potter and The Paganization of Culture.

10 posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 12:23:47 PM bymlizzy (Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee …)
To: mlizzy

Don’t forget St. Christopher and the other make-believe Saints.

13 posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 12:25:55 PM byRedleg Duke (We didn’t limit out, but we nailed a bunch of RATS!)

Uh oh.

To: And2TheRepublic

It would not be FR unless some good old fashioned whackjobbery was posted – like this.

55 posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 1:00:55 PM byKC_Conspirator
Ain’t it the truth – ain’t it the truth!
And now – the best post of the thread!
To: mlizzy

Harry Potter supported Mitt Romney.

34 posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 12:42:58 PM bylistenhillary (A very simple fix to our dilemma – We need to reward the makers instead of the takers)
More silliness after the wrinkle in time.

Continue reading “Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – jive turkeys edition”

An Actual War on Christmas

Well, this shouldn’t freak anybody out: CORVALLIS, Ore. — Anger over a Somali-born teen’s failed plan to blow up a van full of explosives during Portland’s Christmas tree lighting ceremony erupted in arson on Sunday when a fire damaged an Islamic center frequented by the suspect, authorities said. Police don’t know who started the blaze or exactly why, but they believe the Islamic center in Corvallis was targeted because terror suspect Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, occasionally worshipped there. Yosof Wanly, the imam at the Salman Alfarisi Islamic Center, said he was advised by friends to take his family out of … Continue reading An Actual War on Christmas

The Jayhawks meet the Boss

Uh, that’s an exaggeration but what’s a bit of exaggeration among friends? Even virtual ones. Holy sentence fragment, Batman. Anyway, I’ve been on Springsteen bender of late so I reckoned that I should combine that with the long running series, Adrastos’ Obsession with the Jayhawks. These tunes are dedicated to my friends in colder climes and meant to ward off the elements and bring on the sun or something like that. Another paragraph, another exaggeration. First, Bruce and the E Street worthies: Now, it’s time for Adrastos’ Obsession with the Jayhawks. It’s the dream team of Mark, Gary, Karen, Tim … Continue reading The Jayhawks meet the Boss

Holiday Weekend Question Thread: Run Anyway

Eight weeks ago I started a running program. By which I mean I started running, a half an hour a day, on a specific pre-set schedule, three days a week, in accordance withthis thing.I’ve never really done any kind of exercise program before. I had a gym membership and would go to the gym and lift weights and ride the stationary bikes and watch the huge-backed weightlifter guys grunt at each other and the aerobics girls prance by, but I wasn’t on any kind of program. I just wanted hot arms. After a few months the gym became easy to … Continue reading Holiday Weekend Question Thread: Run Anyway

Delayed Gratification

As you’ve all surely heard by now, the Bug Man has been stepped on by a jury of his peers deep in the heart of Texas. The best (and funniest) thing I’ve seen written about Delay’s money laundering conviction comes fromTexas blogger Juanita Jean who used to be represented (misrepresented?) by Delay: Since 1985 I have been trying to tell you people that Tom’s a crook. I would personally like to thank Ronnie Earle, Texas’ DA, and the fine folks of the Travis County DA’s office for not backing down. Ronnie Earle would fight a rattlesnake with one arm tied … Continue reading Delayed Gratification

Bambi’s Last Run

Lawrencia Bembenek was a folk hero to some, a killer and an opportunist to others. From 1982 through the mid 1990s, she was Milwaukee’s version of Ruby Tuesday: a complex character that was immune to labels. The more you tried to understand what was going on behind those ice-blue eyes, the more confused you became. She was a police officer and a waitress at a Playboy club. She was a convicted killer and a patsy. She was someone who sought the limelight and someone who hid from it. She was Lawrencia in the press, Laurie in later years and Bambi … Continue reading Bambi’s Last Run

One for the good guys

http://www.kxan.com/video/videoplayer.swf?dppversion=6469 Every once in a long while, something goes right and victory gets pulled out of the jaws of defeat at the last minute. Yesterday was one of those times. After a protracted – and do I ever meanprotracted – up-and-down-back-and-forth battle with developers and their political allies, the acquisition of a critical 55-acre land parcel adjacent toJacob’s Well Natural Area wasfinalized yesterday by the Hays County Commissioners’ Court. A few months back, the acquisition seemed like a done deal. But political maneuvering as well as concerns of those fearful of county government involvement ground the whole process to a … Continue reading One for the good guys

Travel Day Sexytimes

Yick. Most of what we go through in airports is fucking stupid. Metal detectors, sure, okay, and dogs and let’s make sure nobody’s bringing a warhead on. But as others have pointed out, the shoe thing and the underwear thing and the liquid thing and all the rest of it is just trying to prevent somebody attacking in the same way an attack has already failed once. I know most terrorists aren’t the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, given how many of them seem to get caught with stuff in their shoes and panties, but COME ON. An airport’s … Continue reading Travel Day Sexytimes

Same Old, Same Old

Look, call them whatever you want: It is absolutely central to the social conservative voter’s self-image that they be fighting to defend something Big and Worthy and Righteous, and tax cuts and the inherent beauty of the corporate form aren’t going to cut it. They need issues like LIFE or MARRIAGE or FAMILY, or they sit it out. They haven’t miraculously turned into glib, ironic, pot-smoking libertarian-types, despite the Koch propaganda and Grover Norquist’s fantasies. That’s silly. They’re the same voters they always were. They’re rural, they’re religious, and they’re dead-earnest. I think we may be overthinking this. They’re just … Continue reading Same Old, Same Old