Boardwalk Empire Thread: Easter Sunday Bloody Sunday

Boardwalk portrait

Easter Sunday, 1923. It’s a day for family gatherings, which can be weirder
than hell. Since we’re talking Boardwalk Empire, they, quite naturally,
veer off in odd and unexpected directions. Sort of like Easters in my family.
Of course, it was all very Greeky Greek complete with the e gg crushing Christos anesti thing
and roast leg of lamb. But I digress; anyone surprised by that? I thought not.

dokey. On to this week’s rantings, ravings, and other R words to be named

Thompson Family Values: The episode
opens with Eli skulking about his yard in his bathrobe. He’s hiding something:
booze; cash; a gat? What the hell is it? Easter eggs, that’s what. It’s time
for the annual Thompson egg hunt and if you find the red one you get a whole quarter.
Golly, Wally. I would have thought that Eli’s family would have its own
softball team since he has 444 kids.

Margaret, Emily, and Pyro-boy come for the day in-what else?-their Sunday Best, which is-you guessed it-the episode title. It’s the first time that the
Eli Thompsons have met Margaret and her brood. Not a big surprise since Eli
just got sprung from the pokey after betraying the Nuckster. Despite that
unpromising start, things go pretty darn well. Eli’s wife, June, flatters Nucky
and Margaret into submission. The latter, in fact, blurts out to June that
Nucky has nookie on the side. It’s the first time we’ve seen Margaret open up
to anyone but IRA Man Owen and, well, never mind…

Thompson brothers finally bury the hatchet. Eli grovels, Nucky rants, and they
kinda sorta kiss and make up since Nucky needs someone/anyone with half a brain
in his criminal enterprise. And Eli qualifies…

and Margaret, however, do NOT bury the hatchet. She’s amused to learn that he
can juggle and tell a few jokes; and he’s amused to learn that she can sing the
old Irish ditty I’ll Tell Me Ma. He
again tentatively reaches out to her and she goes all Carole King on him and
sings “It’s Too Late.” Not really but it *is* what she says…

Continue reading “Boardwalk Empire Thread: Easter Sunday Bloody Sunday”

More Adventures In Social Media; or, Please Let Me Find Out That I’m Adopted

Apparently, this is George Clinton’s DNA; I don’t think you or I are funky enough to have major AND a minor groove in all of our cell nuclei.Via. In my ongoing quest to get disinvited from all future family reunions, I’ve started responding to moronic things that relations post on line. If you know anything about my family, you’re probably thinking that I’ll need to take a sabbatical from work for a while if this hobby is going to continue. Today’s idiocy comes from a first cousin, with a special guest appearance from my older brother (they are anonymized in … Continue reading More Adventures In Social Media; or, Please Let Me Find Out That I’m Adopted

Halloween Election Update

If you’re like me, you’re mainliningNate Silver’s awesome 538 blog. Nate has applied the principles of baseball Sabermetrics to polling data. Thing continue to look pretty good for the Dems and not so good for the serial liar Willard Rmoney. I’ve been doing this particular update on Facebook but decided to share with y’all: Only a 22.6% chance of electing our first robot President. That’s all. Continue reading Halloween Election Update

Adventures In Social Media; or, Dear Meteor, Come Quickly

Ah. Vesta. You’ll do nicely.Via.

Hey there, good people. I know it’s been a while since I’ve been by here, but, you know, life keeps us busy. Until we get a sick day! Then it’s time to catch up on all the crazy you’ve seen for a while, and maybe–just maybe–to write a thing or two about it. First of all, here’s hoping the effects of Hurricane Sandy won’t be as bad as advertised, and that those people without power and water get those services reconnected pronto. Now–on to the adventure.

I begin, as many such stories of crazy do, with my family. Specifically, one of my first cousins. She’s a full-on Vatican fetus-sniffer. She’s always posting crazy anti-choice shit with the oh-so-clever tag “RESPECT LIFE.” Then it’s a link to “GodVine” or “LifeNews” or some other completely reputable source about, oh, aborted fetuses being burned in a regular incinerator at a hospital as opposed to a crematorium at a funeral facility.As if that makes half a fuck’s worth of difference. I mean, they’re not alive, right? Who give a shit what you do with the remains? I know some people are more sensitive about corpses than I am, but it’s not like they’re turning them into cat food–they’re doing the exact same thing, just in an incinerator that at other times burns trash. Well, I don’t begin to understand the mind of the religious fanatic. In fact, to show all you good people exactly what I mean, let’s go to a screencap, shall we?

Well. That’s pretty self-explanatory.

Somehow, I resisted the urge to post anything in reply–anything like, say, “Romans 3:23” or “Matthew 7:1.” I also managed not to call her an astonishingly arrogant asshole for presuming to be the arbiter of who is and is not a “serious” Catholic. Does that mean you can’t ever tell a joke about god? What about if you go to a Catholic school or university, and there’s a cafeteria there? Do you get to go in? Or do you have to subsist on that little cracker they gave you in the chapel? While that would do a lot for obesity in this country, I’m not sure that’d be okay with Jesus–I mean, after all, “Man shall not live by bread alone,” right? Anyway, I didn’t comment, because getting in a theological discussion with a zealot is a lot like pissing up a rope, but you don’t get to get the relief of emptying your bladder.

A further word about this cousin: this
is a person who unfailingly supports the Republican Party. While one
may find one’s own reasons for doing so, one can’t back a party that is
disdainful of the poor, supports the death penalty, works to increase
income inequality,
and relentlessly warmongers and then call oneself a “serious” Catholic
who agrees with all of Holy Mother Church’s teachings. What you have
here is just garden-variety hypocrisy.

So, I passed that one by, but this is getting a little long, so why not have a jump? Trust me, people–you will want to hit that link.

Continue reading “Adventures In Social Media; or, Dear Meteor, Come Quickly”

‘I would have no qualms about seeing such sentences executed’

See, it’s just a funny joke, killing journalists who don’t write what you want to read: It is improbable that the framers of the Constitution anticipated a situation in which the press were entirely given over to seditious, anti-American policies. If they had, it is likely that their modus operandi would be similar to that for any faction found guilty of high crimes. Trials for treason and the requisite sentences would apply, and I would have no qualms about seeing such sentences executed, no matter how severe. Except when it’s not: CPJresearch shows that this year alone, five journalists have … Continue reading ‘I would have no qualms about seeing such sentences executed’

If It Wasn’t Over Before, It’s Really Over Now

Bye Mitt: Several others again asked Romney whether he would eliminate FEMA. “Governor, you’ve been asked 14 times. Why are you refusing to answer the question?” one asked. Romney ignored the reporters’ queries and continued loading up the truck. Earlier, during the event, he ignored similar queries. During a 2011 primary debate, Romney supported the idea ofcurtailing federal disaster response and letting states and the private sector take on a bigger role. “Every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states, that’s the right direction,” he said. “And if … Continue reading If It Wasn’t Over Before, It’s Really Over Now

Waves of empathy

I don’t usually go in for even a semi-poetic tone but the images of NYC and Atlantic City have got me thinking about our little thing here in NOLA 7 years ago. 7 years? It was really another lifetime but whenever there’s a big disaster-especially in a place I’ve spent time in like Manhattan-my stomach gets knotted and my expression gets grim. There’s always an adrenaline rush before and during a massive system like Sandy. The next day comes the hangover, when the scope and extent of the damage is clear. This is a particularly strange event since it started … Continue reading Waves of empathy

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Ging Gang Goolie

It’s hard being a corrupt Attorney General. Harry Daugherty is under investigation and his pudgy bag man, Jess Smith, has a meltdown at a Boy Scout shebang, which was probably caused by the Scouts rendition of the excreable dirt sleeping anthem, Ging Gang Goolie. I know that it gave me nightmares. My skin crawls at the very thought of camping. I am a city boy and damn proud of it. Now where was I? Oh yeah, Nucky is pissed off at Harry who reciprocates by having the Nuckster tossed in the hoosegow. Nucky chills in the cooler, and then is … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Ging Gang Goolie

Hurricane Sandy: Politico is All Over the Important Shit

Nature is currently trying to kick the shit out of an entire half of the country, and it’s time for the big question: 1) Will Mitt Romney’s momentum be stopped? It’s hard to see how the storm helps. The Republican nominee has more than closed the gap with the incumbent over the final weeks of the campaign, taking a slim lead in most national polls. But his national boost hasn’t been mirrored in two pivotal states: Ohio and Virginia. Already Romney had to scrap a full day’s worth of events in Virginia Sunday. Obama has had to change his schedule, … Continue reading Hurricane Sandy: Politico is All Over the Important Shit

Civic Pride (Part II)

(Ed. Note: Get me talking about politics, it’s over in about four paragraphs. Get me onto a car as a metaphor for life, and you get this. I promise it will be three installments (four max) and next week’s will be posted earlier. If you missed the first part, here’s the link.Thanks for reading. -Doc) I remember hearing once that every breakthrough happens about six seconds before a breakdown. If you miss that moment, you really lose your shit. The car was in pieces, the time was running short and I realized that despite the sheer volume of bloodletting I … Continue reading Civic Pride (Part II)

Adventures In Social Media; or, Dear Meteor, Come Quickly

Ah. Vesta. You’ll do nicely.Via.

Hey there, good people. I know it’s been a while since I’ve been by here, but, you know, life keeps us busy. Until we get a sick day! Then it’s time to catch up on all the crazy you’ve seen for a while, and maybe–just maybe–to write a thing or two about it. First of all, here’s hoping the effects of Hurricane Sandy won’t be as bad as advertised, and that those people without power and water get those services reconnected pronto. Now–on to the adventure.

I begin, as many such stories of crazy do, with my family. Specifically, one of my first cousins. She’s a full-on Vatican fetus-sniffer. She’s always posting crazy anti-choice shit with the oh-so-clever tag “RESPECT LIFE.” Then it’s a link to “GodVine” or “LifeNews” or some other completely reputable source about, oh, aborted fetuses being burned in a regular incinerator at a hospital as opposed to a crematorium at a funeral facility.As if that makes half a fuck’s worth of difference. I mean, they’re not alive, right? Who give a shit what you do with the remains? I know some people are more sensitive about corpses than I am, but it’s not like they’re turning them into cat food–they’re doing the exact same thing, just in an incinerator that at other times burns trash. Well, I don’t begin to understand the mind of the religious fanatic. In fact, to show all you good people exactly what I mean, let’s go to a screencap, shall we?

Well. That’s pretty self-explanatory.

Somehow, I resisted the urge to post anything in reply–anything like, say, “Romans 3:23” or “Matthew 7:1.” I also managed not to call her an astonishingly arrogant asshole for presuming to be the arbiter of who is and is not a “serious” Catholic. Does that mean you can’t ever tell a joke about god? What about if you go to a Catholic school or university, and there’s a cafeteria there? Do you get to go in? Or do you have to subsist on that little cracker they gave you in the chapel? While that would do a lot for obesity in this country, I’m not sure that’d be okay with Jesus–I mean, after all, “Man shall not live by bread alone,” right? Anyway, I didn’t comment, because getting in a theological discussion with a zealot is a lot like pissing up a rope, but you don’t get to get the relief of emptying your bladder.

A further word about this cousin: this
is a person who unfailingly supports the Republican Party. While one
may find one’s own reasons for doing so, one can’t back a party that is
disdainful of the poor, supports the death penalty, works to increase
income inequality,
and relentlessly warmongers and then call oneself a “serious” Catholic
who agrees with all of Holy Mother Church’s teachings. What you have
here is just garden-variety hypocrisy.

So, I passed that one by, but this is getting a little long, so why not have a jump? Trust me, people–you will want to hit that link.

Continue reading “Adventures In Social Media; or, Dear Meteor, Come Quickly”

A Debate For Idiots

Okay kids are we ready for the second debate tonight? I know we’re all supposed to be super-excited about it because of the town hall format and the fact that the questions will be asked entirely by that chupacabra of politics, the undecided voter. Or, as the rest of America calls them: those idiots who still haven’t made up their mind three weeks before the election. If there is anyone in network news reading this post I would just like to tell you folks that the absolute last people we want to hear from right now are undecided voters. These … Continue reading A Debate For Idiots

Waves of empathy

I don’t usually go in for even a semi-poetic tone but theimages of NYC and Atlantic City have got me thinking about our little thing here in NOLA 7 years ago. 7 years? It was really another lifetime but whenever there’s a big disaster-especially in a place I’ve spent time in like Manhattan-my stomach gets knotted and my expression gets grim. There’s always an adrenaline rush before and during a massive system like Sandy. The next day comes the hangover, when the scope and extent of the damage is clear. This is a particularly strange event since it started as … Continue reading Waves of empathy

Boardwalk Empire Thread: Chalky White Meets Eddie Cantor

I hate to be repetitive, but Nucky Thompson is still in a vile mood. Given the episode title, You’d Be Surprised, that probably shouldn’t be so, BUT the man is in a world of shit. He’s called on the carpet by Arnold Rothstein in the wake of the Taber Heights massacre and told he’s acting like a lovesick schoolboy in carrying on with Billie the showgirl. She, however, fits neatly into Nucky’s pattern of bringing home strays and rescuing damsels in distress. Speaking of distress, Margaret meets Billie in the company of Nucky at the snooty French boutique. Poor form, … Continue reading Boardwalk Empire Thread: Chalky White Meets Eddie Cantor

Hurricane Sandy and No We Can’t

Seriously: Mr. Romney not only believes that states acting independently can handle the response to a vast East Coast storm better than Washington, but that profit-making companies can do an even better job. He said it was “immoral” for the federal government to do all these things if it means increasing the debt. It’s an absurd notion, but it’s fully in line with decades of Republican resistance to federal emergency planning. FEMA, created by President Jimmy Carter, was elevated to cabinet rank in the Bill Clinton administration, but was then demoted by President George W. Bush, who neglected it, subsumed … Continue reading Hurricane Sandy and No We Can’t

The Hands-Down Dumbest Story about the Debate, via A Very Serious Blogger Ethics Panel

Walmart Moms, guys: Undecided “Walmart moms” in Milwaukee, Wis., gave the presidential debate win to President Obama by a narrow margin – but they’re not sold yet. What are “Walmart Moms,” you guys? In a bipartisan focus group conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Momentum Analysis and sponsored by Walmart, a group of undecided female voters were asked to vote for who they thought won the second presidential debate. Five women in the group said Obama, three said Mitt Romney, and two said they thought it was tie. Emphasis because YOU DON’T FUCKIN’ SAY. It couldn’t possibly have been designed … Continue reading The Hands-Down Dumbest Story about the Debate, via A Very Serious Blogger Ethics Panel

Sending It Out To New York City Tonight

Witnessning the unraveling of the city, those of Harry Penn’s reporters who were not killed (as many of them were) returned toThe Sun to write about it. They sensed that this was the proper thing to do, even if everything else had gone to hell, because they knew enough to know that whenever the world ends it always manages to begin again, and they had no intention of being left out. —Winter’s Tale, Mark Helprin TheNew York Daily News is updating from a darkened newsroom. There are floodwaters in the subway tunnels and hospitals are without power. Various jackasses are … Continue reading Sending It Out To New York City Tonight

Hurricane Sandy: Politico is All Over the Important Shit

Nature is currently trying to kick the shit out of an entire half of the country, andit’s time for the big question: 1) Will Mitt Romney’s momentum be stopped? It’s hard to see how the storm helps. The Republican nominee has more than closed the gap with the incumbent over the final weeks of the campaign, taking a slim lead in most national polls. But his national boost hasn’t been mirrored in two pivotal states: Ohio and Virginia. Already Romney had to scrap a full day’s worth of events in Virginia Sunday. Obama has had to change his schedule, too, … Continue reading Hurricane Sandy: Politico is All Over the Important Shit

Weekend Question Thread

Okay, throw it down. Who are you most excited about voting for this year? Doesn’t have to be president, could be a downticket race you’re just really thrilled about. I’m not in Wisconsin anymore but the note Tammy “I kick more ass before breakfast than you do all day long” Baldwin sent me thanking me for my donation is on the fridge. I hope she beats Thompson like a thing that gets beaten very badly. A. Continue reading Weekend Question Thread

‘I would have no qualms about seeing such sentences executed’

See, it’s just a funny joke, killing journalists who don’t write what you want to read: It is improbable that the framers of the Constitution anticipated a situation in which the press were entirely given over to seditious, anti-American policies. If they had, it is likely that their modus operandi would be similar to that for any faction found guilty of high crimes. Trials for treason and the requisite sentences would apply, and I would have no qualms about seeing such sentences executed, no matter how severe. Except when it’s not: CPJresearch shows that this year alone, five journalists have … Continue reading ‘I would have no qualms about seeing such sentences executed’

Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – Master Debater edition

All righty, good people – Kibitzer said on last Monday’s obsession that he was going to cruise over to Freeperville to see how the site held up during the final Presedential debate – heh – as if Jim Rob and company were going to let a disastrous repeat (in the middle of a Freepathon, no less) of the near-total failure of the$352,000.00 / year website occur.

I find such cynical aspersions unfounded and completely ungrounded in reality, so let’s go see what improvements have been made!

Final debate LIVE THREADCSPAN ^| 10/22/12 | GeorgiaDawg32

Posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 4:44:46 PM byGeorgiaDawg32

Available to watch on any news channel. 9 p.m. Eastern time.

Yes it’s early but NCIS is a rerun.

1 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 4:44:53 PM byGeorgiaDawg32
And Honey Boo Boo isn’t available in all areas.

To: GeorgiaDawg32

In before the crash!!

Prayers up for Romney!

3 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 4:46:40 PM byRandallFlagg (“Liberalism is about as progressive as CANCER” -Alfonzo Rachel)

To: GeorgiaDawg32

I figure I better get a post in now before it all
goes to hell.

Hi Mom.

7 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 4:48:31 PM bytet68 ( ” We would not die in that man’s company, that fears his fellowship to die with us…” Henry V.)

You cock-eyed optimist.

To: GeorgiaDawg32

am I the only one that can’t get through during these debates?

12 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 4:49:57 PM byMNDude (OWS Movement RIP)

Yes. It’s just you. Because you didn’t pay out enough. Put your hands on the TV and open up your wallet!

To: RandallFlagg

“In before the crash!!”

3 hours prior to debate time and it already took me 3 tries and 5 min to get a reply entry box…

Yeah, see you at 3AM when things go back to normal.


35 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 5:01:16 PM byPittsburghAfterDark


To: GeorgiaDawg32

From a “related” thread discussing the last R/O debate:

(Jim Robinson)

To: Yaelle

The system is not handling the increased loads and we do not know why yet. John says the system is not getting overloaded, the db is not overloaded, the cpus are mostly idle, the load averages are low, the db load averages are low, just reaches a point where throughput stalls. I’m not a techie and I have no idea how to fix it. I thought maybe we could add another server or more RAM or replace some older servers or something, but I guess John doesn’t think that will do it. There’s something wrong in the system software or the configuration but he’s having trouble finding it.

And I’m really upset too, but there’s not a freaking thing I can do about it until John gets it figured out.


63 posted on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:01:19 PM byJim Robinson (Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 45 | View Replies | Report Abuse]

And in related news, fuck you.

To: traderrob6

I can’t stand that I can’t get on during anything at all important. It stinks! Election night ought to be another disaster… I’ve always relied on FR for election night, but sure won’t count on it this year.

59 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 5:36:43 PM bysissyjane

And don’t forget that monthly donation!

To: Responsibility2nd
“as there are Donald Trump’s Big Announcement threads?” I read it will be on Wednesday and he seems particularly delighted to have something great.

Oh, that’s a whole ‘nother thread, that is.

I read he was going to drop it during the Republican Convention but he got cut with some others because the storm forced convention to delay by one day, so some got cut because of time restraints.

102 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 6:15:06 PM byhummingbird (Lather, Rinse…BUT DO NOT REPEAT – REPEAT IS A WASTE – A SCAM!)

To: dforest

“Hot Air, they have a live thread!”

Yup, that’s where I was last time and that’s where I’ll be tonight! See you there!

84 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 6:00:28 PM byBatman11 (We came for the chicken sandwiches and a Sweet Tea Party broke out!)

To: mylife

I just got my first “Oops” message from Chrome. FR is going down for the count.Off to Lucianne I guess…

123 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 6:40:37 PM bypaul544


To: RedMDer; John Robinson; Jim Robinson

$2 / day donor praying for John to sort this out. Put an ACE front on Adobe. It isn’t the database, it isn’t the server, it’s the front end. I’m just a 30 year systems analyst throwing out anything that might right the ship.

Load balance? Connection pool (kill unused sessions?) Seek help. We are Free Republic, and have amazing resources. Use them!

200 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 7:29:30 PM byglock rocks (Optimist? Pessimist? Naw, I’m an Awesomist – There’s a dragon in that glass!)

(amazing racehorses)

To: Alas Babylon!

and I’m donating monthly for what?

235 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 7:41:35 PM byestrogen (sick of the racist rants from the left)

To: estrogen
and I’m donating monthly for what?

So that you can feel good about the aggravation!

251 posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 7:46:00 PM byBushbacker1 (I miss President Bush! 2012 – The End Of An Error! (Oathkeeper))

To: penelopesire
Ann Romney looks very nice tonight. It sure will be nice to have a classy first lady again.

I haven’t spotted her yet, either. I’ve mistakenly watched FoxNews!

Yes, it will be lovely to have a classy First Lady, instead of the racist, angry _itch!


PRAYERS FOR MITT ROMNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The actual debate comments after the jumpola, plus – the absolutely most epic-est, history-making series of posts by a single user in FR history!

Continue reading “Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – Master Debater edition”

Band of Goofballs

My San Francisco Giants have a boatload of charming eccentrics playing for them. These goofballs have just swept the Detroit Tigers and won the World Series. Again. I’m taking credit for the 4 game sweep. I helped clean the sub-Krewe of Spank’s space at the Den of Muses on Saturday. I wielded a push broom… Hmm, maybe I’m one of the goofballs; a scary thought indeed. Continue reading Band of Goofballs

Sunday Morning Video: Chamber of Secrets

If you haven’t seenArgo yet, go today, it’s terrific even if the ending is Hollywoodized. In the flick, John Goodman plays real life makeup artist John Chambers. This episode ofHollywood Treasure (a show featuring movie collectible dealer and auctioneer Joe Maddalena) shows what happened to some of Chambers’ finest work. I only hope his heir isn’t kicking himself for not waiting to go to auction until after Argo’s release. Continue reading Sunday Morning Video: Chamber of Secrets

Sunday Morning Video: Chamber of Secrets

If you haven’t seen Argo yet, go today, it’s terrific even if the ending is Hollywoodized. In the flick, John Goodman plays real life makeup artist John Chambers. This episode of Hollywood Treasure (a show featuring movie collectible dealer and auctioneer Joe Maddalena) shows what happened to some of Chambers’ finest work. I only hope his heir isn’t kicking himself for not waiting to go to auction until after Argo’s release. Continue reading Sunday Morning Video: Chamber of Secrets