It’s Blog, It’s Blog! Help me not to suck…

I’m asking for help from the hivemind, given the wide array of experience you have in writing for blogs, reading blogs and probably eviscerating shitty blogs. I was on the phone with my publisher the other day when she made an obvious statement that had previously had no answer other than, “No shit.” “The problem most of your reviewers had was that by the time the book comes out, the examples you list for the students are dated,” she noted. “That’s a problem with this book that we need to address…” My answer was the more professional version of “No … Continue reading It’s Blog, It’s Blog! Help me not to suck…

Hey, I Can Do A Fake Time Cover, Too

Sure, it’s not as flattering as Orange Narcissus’ vanity piece, but then again, it’s not as fake. McConnell/Trumpcare IS about as popular as Ebola, clocking in somewhat shy of  20 percent support (come to think of it, that’s close to where Dick Cheney, the human equivalent of Ebola, registered last I checked). The BCRA is an accurate reflection of just how empty and vacuous the GOP has become. Sure, it was always a crock, but I’m old enough to remember when supply side had at least a few true believers (I suppose Sam Brownback still falls into that category, but … Continue reading Hey, I Can Do A Fake Time Cover, Too

Emojis, Journalism, and Why Being Cute Isn’t Work

We’re all clowning on this dumbass today, but I want to point out a few things: So, Chris Cilliza has a new feature where the sad face emoji means “people live” — Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) June 27, 2017 It’s not just the sociopathic detachment that says a smiley face is for people losing their health insurance, getting kicked out of their nursing homes, or having their chemo suspended. It’s that in addition to being monstrous, it’s bad journalism. It does not accomplish what journalism is meant to accomplish. It doesn’t adequately inform the public. (I know, but wiser-than-thou … Continue reading Emojis, Journalism, and Why Being Cute Isn’t Work

‘if we all are willing to be okay with helping others and being helped’

There’s a whole thread here worth reading but this is the part I want to talk about, as a way of addressing with the sensitivity our GOP masters demand the shortcomings of their latest attempt at legislation: Our system isn’t perfect. That’s in point 5. But it can work for now if we all are willing to be ok with helping others & being helped. 9/ — Save Savannah (@Save_Savannah_) June 26, 2017 Every night, as a lullaby, I sing Kick Forever Young. May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May you always do … Continue reading ‘if we all are willing to be okay with helping others and being helped’

Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – Commander In Grief edition

Morning, all – let’s suit up, get into the iso chamber and start uncrating the latest from the Freeperati and their rectal vacuuming of Dear Leader.


You know – I keep waiting for them to snap and say “Dear Lord, the man’s a fucking fruitcake!”, but the Faithful Few (the current Freepathon ended last week, and the next one starts next week) are clinging tight like a bird on a moving car’s windshield wiper.

Observe – the Solar Sell!

Trump now says SOLAR will pay for the wall
pv magazine USA ^ | 06/23/2017 | Frank Andorka

Posted on 6/23/2017, 11:09:51 AM by WombatKing

It’s clear once again that Trump doesn’t really understand how solar works. From his words, he appears to believe the mere production of energy will somehow generate revenue, ignoring the fact someone has to buy the energy it produces. He didn’t explain who would be dong that – was he planning to sell the power to Mexico? The poor residents of south Texas border towns? Who will be purchasing the electricity and at what price?


Two things:

President Trump knows EXACTLY how solar works, which is why he is against it;

Um – he just said he was for it.


With the obstructionist Dems not letting him do ANYTHING,


he has to pay for the wall somehow to keep out the terrorists and illegals.

How does this guy not understand that?

1 posted on 6/23/2017, 11:09:51 AM by WombatKing

How do you not drown when it rains and you look up?
One Freeper attempts to shoot the messenger :
To: WombatKing


The author apparently doesn’t understand how the grid works.

Electricity is fungible.

But it isn’t about that, it’s about bashing Trump.

Isn’t this publication supposed to be about photovoltaics and not politics.

3 posted on 6/23/2017, 11:14:00 AM by calenel (The Democratic Party is a Criminal Enterprise. It is the Socialist Mafia.)

Isn’t this message board supposed to be about politics and not photovoltaics?
One thing wrong with messenger shooting – the truth.
Reply is written by a garden-variety idiot.
One Freeper has an original idea:

To: WombatKing


Electric fence… don’t cross at high noon…

2 posted on 6/23/2017, 11:12:17 AM by piasa

Um – it’s been done.
Of course, when in doubt, just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend that The Darnold isn’t full of shit as a Christmas turkey :
To: WombatKing


I know, let’s micromanage everything Trump does.

Actually, you go ahead.

I’ve got a life to live and the Wall is Trump’s job.

6 posted on 6/23/2017, 11:15:56 AM by SaxxonWoods (CNN IS ISIS.)

There’s the occasional Freeper who has that “friends with benefits” relationship with reality :
To: WombatKing


I wasn’t aware that anyone had made bulletproof solar collectors. I would expect much vandalism form those fenced out.

7 posted on 6/23/2017, 11:16:19 AM by mountainlion (Live well for those that did not make it back.)

Another Freeper flaunts his ignorance of how global economics work :
To: WombatKing
Better still…a 25% tax on all remittances to foreign countries.
4 posted on 6/23/2017, 11:14:04 AM by Gay State Conservative (Comey = The Swamp Fighting Back)
Like on the “American made” car you’re driving? Or your Carrier air conditioning unit?
Your toothpaste?
The screen you’re viewing Freeperville on?
The tires on your car?
The ink in your printer?
My god, you’re stupid.
When in doubt, double down on the idiocy :
To: WombatKing


Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

20 posted on 6/23/2017, 12:08:11 PM by ifinnegan (Democrats kill babies and harvest their organs to sell)

Well – end of discussion, then.
Of course, when when all else fails (this thread had remarkably few replies), pretend that the gibbering moron is actually a 13-dimensional chess savant!
To: WombatKing


He’s backed them into a corner. They can admit that solar is a waste of money or get the wall. He’s using democrat math to get what he wants

11 posted on 6/23/2017, 11:33:13 AM by dgbrown

Think they can’t get any stupider? Follow below for an intellectual discussion of whether or not The Darnold should get a buzz cut.
Hey – where are you going?

Continue reading “Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – Commander In Grief edition”

Get Out of the Nursing Home, Grandma!

I thought we revered the Greatest Generation:  ORANGE, Va. — Alice Jacobs, 90, once owned a factory and horses. She has raised four children and buried two husbands. But years in an assisted living center drained her savings, and now she relies on Medicaid to pay for her care at Dogwood Village, a nonprofit, county-owned nursing home here. “You think you’ve got enough money to last all your life, and here I am,” Ms. Jacobs said. Medicaid pays for most of the 1.4 million people in nursing homes, like Ms. Jacobs. It covers 20 percent of all Americans and 40 … Continue reading Get Out of the Nursing Home, Grandma!

People Live Here

Our real estate agent looked around our condo and sniffed. I’ve never actually seen someone sniff, in real life, in the dismissive, Edith Wharton Disapproves Of Your Social Status sense. She sniffed, this woman, and said, “This is terribly cluttered.” She was standing in the living room I’d just spent four hours cleaning, the room which also serves as “the room where Kick keeps all her toys” and “occasionally, my office” and “a recovery room from all my major back injuries of which there have been many” and she was looking dismayed. There were toys in colorful bins, antique typewriters … Continue reading People Live Here

Saturday Odds & Sods: Anything Goes

Grandmother Moorhead’s Aromatic Kitchen by Leonora Carrington, 1975.

It was a weird week in New Orleans. It was oddly quiet as everyone hunkered down for a storm that had minimal impact in the city. I spent a lot of time with Oscar and Della. I’m glad to report that they’re fine. They’re used to hanging around the house and sleeping incessantly. Nobody does it better, not even Bond.

I spent some time this week calling the offices of my Republican Senators about the abominable health care bill. I’m not sure what good it will do. Both of them know deep down that it’s bad legislation that will damage a poor state like Louisiana. I expect them to vote aye anyway: neither has the backbone to stand up to Chinless Mitch and the Trumper hordes. Repeat after me: I hope I’m wrong about this.

This week’s theme song reflects the climate of our national politics: “In olden days, a crooked Oval One was looked on as something shocking. Now heaven knows, anything goes. ” Cole Porter was one smart Hoosier Yalie. Boola boola, y’all.

We have two versions of Anything Goes for your enjoyment: the inevitable Sinatra as well as Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga. I’m gaga for Gaga even without the meat suit.

Now that we’ve established that:

The world has gone mad today
And good’s bad today,
And black’s white today,
And day’s night today…

It’s time to insert the break and meet on the other side. It’s what Cole would have wanted.

Continue reading “Saturday Odds & Sods: Anything Goes”

A Deaf Frog

One of the best jokes about jumping to the wrong conclusion is that of the scientist and the frog. The scientist tells the frog to jump and the frog does so. The scientist then cuts off one of the frog’s legs and repeats the command. The frog continues to jump until the scientist has removed all four legs, at which point, the frog remains still. The scientist then makes this entry in his notes: “After removing all four legs, frog goes deaf.” An equally disgusting and yet not nearly as funny series of answers emerged this week in regard to … Continue reading A Deaf Frog

Take A Page From Their Playbook

To add my.000002 cents worth to what Adrastos says…sure it sucks to lose, and especially sucks to lose, in this case by proxy, to an utterly unqualified shit-for-brains like Trump. But the long knives and circular firing squad…only play into their hands. I’m — at long last — finishing Rick Perlstein’s book about Barry Goldwater and modern movement conservatism, and one thing that sticks out is…despite getting their clock cleaned in one of the great electoral landslides, the hard right refused to give in/slink away…and sixteen years later elected one of their own. True, their movement has continued to congeal … Continue reading Take A Page From Their Playbook

Legislation Needs to Actually Do Stuff

For shit’s sake, THIS:  The Senate bill, like the House bill, has two aims: to complete the final act of the Republicans’ six-year-long performance art piece, “Repeal and Replace Obamacare,” and to cut taxes for the very rich. [snip] Now that they have it all, though, the only thing they’re missing is an actual plan. Rather than push for a viable alternative like Medicare for All, or concede the ACA represents the best solution for insuring more people in a private insurance system and work to remedy its flaws, Republicans have decided to insure fewer people while shoveling money towards … Continue reading Legislation Needs to Actually Do Stuff

Someone Told People to Resent Others

This thread is worth reading, referencing as it does the ongoing “resentment politics” that have devastated Scott Walker’s Wisconsin: 5. Weirdly, it’s not usually straight-up bigotry. It’s more like “those people don’t have their shit together, so we gotta pay the bills.” — Daniel Schultz (@pastordan) June 20, 2017 As I keep saying, people do not independently come to the conclusion that all minorities are T-bone buying welfare cheats dragging on the system and burning down the ‘hood. Someone TELLS them that. We can’t just accept that outlook as the reality and address it with policy without squarely facing who … Continue reading Someone Told People to Resent Others

Why Don’t They Just Move?

Because this, you dipshits:  Activists took to the streets in the summer of 1967 for 200 consecutive days of fair housing protests, and were sometimes greeted with racial slurs, eggs and rocks as they crossed the Menomonee River, via the 16th Street Viaduct, into the white South Side. The Common Council eventually ratified a fair housing law in 1968, weeks after the federal government passed its landmark measure. The racial dividing lines were already drawn, however, and barriers to black upward mobility remained. Even the neighborhood where the baseball slugger Hank Aaron moved in the late 1950s could not avoid … Continue reading Why Don’t They Just Move?