Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – final countdown edition

Well, folks – we have a short Obsession this week, and mostly older stuff. Why? Because over at Freeperville, there’s just nothing there except “Comey-on-a my house”.

Around 150 threads of it.

What the Freepers fail to take into account here is :

a.  People who are going to vote for Hillary are not going to be swayed by this burger of nothing, and will, in fact be even more motivated to get out and vote. People who were going to vote for Trump are still going to vote for Trump, and you don’t get any more votes for pushing the button harder.

b.  The Repubs have been screaming EMAILZ   “WOLF!!!1!” at the top of their lungs for 10 years now, which kinda blunts the message by repetition. If you hear something too many times, it just becomes gobble gobble gobble gobble.

Or, as a stand-up guy once put it:

“Dig: if President Kennedy would just go on television, and say, “I would like to introduce you to all the niggers in my cabinet,” and if he’d just say “nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger” to every nigger he saw, “boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie,” “nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger” ’til nigger didn’t mean anything anymore, then you could never make some six-year-old black kid cry because somebody called him a nigger at school.”

Anyway, let’s get right to the  Sore Bomba  Voter Fraud!

BOMBSHELL VIDEO: Trump Was Right! Watch This Voting Machine Switch Its Vote… ^ | 10=26=2016

Posted on ‎10‎/‎26‎/‎2016‎ ‎9‎:‎35‎:‎18‎ ‎PM by

We all knew that the voting machines are rigged Here is the video proof.


Trump was right. Where is the New York Times? Where is the Washington Post? Where are our esteemed reporters? There are citizens doing your job.

Like this citizen below, y’all. The on in the video, y’all. Here is an alleged video of an election machine switching votes in the swing state of Virginia.

You have literally watched corruption take place.


Watch that video above. That is a computer programmer in Florida that testified before a congressional panel that there are computer programs that can secretly fix elections. This happened in 2001, but you would have never seen this on the mainstream media.

*** Share this everywhere!

Document everything at the polls. We need to be able to fight the rigging. God bless all the Trump voters and share this post if you are voting Trump on Nov. 8th.

Together we can make America great again.

1 posted on 10‎/‎26‎/‎2016‎ ‎9‎:‎35‎:‎18‎ ‎PM by
Of course you can.
Calm down a bit… this was a previous election.
Scott Rigel was Congress 2nd District (Virginia Beach, VA). He is not running this year. He also is a turncoat Republican who has come out against Trump and changed his affiliation to Independent. The candidate taking his place is a former Navy Seal that is pro-Trump.
Don’t get baited into looking like an alarmist –



be calm and double check dates and locations before you start to ring the bell…

4 posted on 10‎/‎26‎/‎2016‎ ‎9‎:‎40‎:‎01‎ ‎PM by monkeypants (It’s a Republic, if you can keep it.)



Video is over a year old from a different election.

6 posted on 10‎/‎26‎/‎2016‎ ‎9‎:‎56‎:‎03‎ ‎PM by R_Kangel ( “A Nation of Sheep ….. Will Beget ….. a Nation Ruled by Wolves.”)

How many times is this gonna get posted? THE VIDEO OF THE MACHINE SWITCHING VOTES IS FROM 2014.
7 posted on ‎10‎/‎26‎/‎2016‎ ‎9‎:‎56‎:‎55‎ ‎PM by Mad Dawgg (If you’re going to deny my 1st Amendment rights then I must proceed to the 2nd one…)
Don’t be so mean to poor old UMCRevMom.  The poor dear is still using an AOL account, fer chrissakes.


I hate to say it but this video which has been posted multiple times is probably a hoax. Ask yourself why the right hand of the screen is cut off? And then ask yourself where is the guys right hand?

8 posted on 10‎/‎26‎/‎2016‎ ‎10‎:‎00‎:‎11‎ ‎PM by Revel

(waves hand wildly)  Oh! I know! I know!  Spinning the fucking selection wheel!!
What did I win?
To:; Admin Moderator


You’ve posted this before. It was pulled due to being from 2014. And you now post it again.

16 posted on 10‎/‎27‎/‎2016‎ ‎2‎:‎20‎:‎46‎ ‎AM by SauronOfMordor (Socialists want YOUR wealth redistributed, never THEIRS!)

After a few more of these, the OP issues an apology:
To: SauronOfMordor


I was unaware this information had been verified as fraudulent or posted and pulled. If voter equipment is NOT malfunctioning GREAT!

The potential for voter fraud this election concerns me greatly. I have read reports that voting machines are recasting ballots from Trump to Clinton. Perhaps, the fraud of previous elections will reoccur in 2016 recasting relevance of this thread? i.e.

“As Americans, we want our elections to be fair and transparent. We want to know that when a candidate gets most of the votes, she, he, or they are the person who will be take office. It would hurt us to our core if our right to choose the ones that represent us were violated.

With this in mind, are the outcomes of the 2016 Democratic Party nomination contest completely legitimate? A number of anecdotal and journalistic accounts suggest that this is not the case.

(snip four paragraphs of word salad about some jackoff in the Netherlands)

However, Mea culpa if I have given any offense.17 posted on 10‎/‎27‎/‎2016‎ ‎5‎:‎40‎:‎05‎ ‎AM by

Some moldy oldies after the thingy…

Continue reading “Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – final countdown edition”

It’s a holiday. Try not to be such a human disgrace.

Via STFU Parents.  I hear this crabbing every single year because I live in what freaked out white suburbanites think of as the hood, and from the next neighborhood over, the churches bring kids in vans and sometimes a bus. WHICH IS FRICKIN’ GREAT. From my perspective, I get to look at a variety of adorable babies in costumes, hand out candy, make them happy, and my kid gets to show off her costume to a wider audience From theirs, they get a goddamn Snickers bar and to hang out in a place where they aren’t as likely to be mugged or … Continue reading It’s a holiday. Try not to be such a human disgrace.

Saturday Odds & Sods: My Back Pages

Monument Valley
John Ford View Of Monument Valley by Louis Dallara.

I have been fixated on the Presidential election and the World Series so I haven’t got any local tidbits to share this week. Shame on me.

When this post hits the internet, I will be at Tipitina’s with my sweetie seeing the Jayhawks. I cannot report on the show because I’m writing this beforehand. It makes me feel like a time traveler, which, given my obsession with the Wayback Machine, seems appropriate. I may have to bone up on the Back to the Future movies now that time travel is my thing. It’s a pity that my wife is a sane scientist, not a mad one, but one can’t have everything..

This week’s theme song was written by Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan. I never thought I’d write that phrase but I just did. The whole farce between Dylan and the Nobel committee is one of the funniest things since A Day At The Races: Get-a your tootsie frootsie ice-a cream. Dylan is likely to reject the award: it’s a pity he can’t send George C Scott or Marlon Brando to accept it on his behalf. Now *that* would be funny: bring on the award rejecters to accept the Nobel fucking prize. I do wish Dylan would accept the prize money and donate it to a worthy cause like, say, my cats…

Back to the theme song. I like Dylan as a songwriter but I’m not a fan of his singing, which is probably why I chose these versions of My Back Pages. The first one is from Bobfest in 1993. Dylan sings a verse but so do Roger McGuinn, Tom Petty, Neil Young, Eric Clapton, and George Harrison.

The best known version of My Back Pages is by the Byrds from their 1967 album Younger Than Yesterday. Ain’t nothing quite like the sound of McGuinn’s twangy 12-string guitar and Byrdsy harmonies:

“Ah, but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now” are words to live by at least until the break. After that all bets are off.

Continue reading “Saturday Odds & Sods: My Back Pages”

A Morality Play Between the Foul Lines

When the Cubs punched their first World Series ticket since 1945, I got a text from my wife: “Your cousin is at the game. I saw a picture on Facebook.” My cousin is a familial strain that reached into Illinois somewhere after my grandparents divorced. When her father couldn’t get a job in education in Wisconsin, my grandfather made “a few calls” back in the day when that was a standard practice and helped him land a teaching/coaching gig south of the border. It was my aunt and uncle, three cousins, my grandfather and his wife who all took up … Continue reading A Morality Play Between the Foul Lines

Rogue v. Rancid

So as the campaign — at long last (and damn, that sucks…I used to enjoy the debate, if not the entertainment) — anyway, as the campaign winds down and Team Trump approaches its sell-by date (although, again, anything can happen)…the latest rounds of whatever-you-might-call-it…brought back, at least for me, the memory of Team Palin opting to go all out for Team Palin, and eff the Straight Talk Express. But…that seems tame and even quaint compared to the daily-if-not-hourly cases of Team Trump melting down like a carved pumpkin in late-November (or in Gingrich’s case, like a couple hundred pounds of … Continue reading Rogue v. Rancid

All My Money is On Joey

Because goddamn:  Donald Trump on Tuesday appeared to take up Vice President Biden’s offer to meet “behind the gym” over his comments about women. “Did you see where Biden wants to take me to the back of the barn?” Trump asked supporters at a rally in Tallahassee, Fla., on Tuesday. “I’d love that. I’d love that,” Trump continued. “Mr. Tough Guy. He’s Mr. Tough Guy. You know, he’s Mr. Tough Guy, when he’s standing behind a microphone by himself.” Don’t fuck with The Shark. A. Continue reading All My Money is On Joey

To get better coverage try nominating the least worst candidate next time

No, there is no conspiracy to not report on Wikileaks and Hillary’s e-mail and how damn dumb about everything everyone in DC seems to be (if you needed Julian Assange to reveal this to you, I have a candidate for president I’d like to sell you). It’s just that the Republican Party nominated A SERIAL SEXUAL PREDATOR with the impulse control of an overwound spaniel and the vocabulary of the Freepi comments. Even I, thrower of things at the local news during sweeps week’s “X common household item could be killing your children” segments, can understand the news value of “insane … Continue reading To get better coverage try nominating the least worst candidate next time

Grow a Pair, ABA

For Chrissakes:  WASHINGTON — Alarmed by Donald J. Trump’s record of filing lawsuits to punish and silence his critics, a committee of media lawyers at theAmerican Bar Association commissioned a report on Mr. Trump’s litigation history. The report concluded that Mr. Trump was a “libel bully” who had filed many meritless suits attacking his opponents and had never won in court. But the bar association refused to publish the report, citing “the risk of the A.B.A. being sued by Mr. Trump.” David J. Bodney, a former chairman of the media-law committee, said he was baffled by the bar association’s interference … Continue reading Grow a Pair, ABA

Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – poll position edition

Polls, polls polls – everybody loves them – right?

ABC News poll: Clinton leads Trump 50-38
ABC News ^

Posted on 10/23/2016, 8:29:55 AM by GregBo

Hillary Clinton has vaulted to a double-digit advantage in the inaugural ABC News 2016 election tracking poll, boosted by broad disapproval of Donald Trump on two controversial issues: His treatment of women and his reluctance to endorse the election’s legitimacy.


I need to confirm the sampling for this poll, but I do not believe for a minute that this is anywhere near accurate.
1 posted on 10/23/2016, 8:29:55 AM by GregBo
And this is the thanks the poster gets for passing on the news (and doubting it personally)
To: GregBo


Well, why the HELL didn’t you “check the veracity” BEFORE you posted it? TROLL.

You are a Never Trumper, right?

Or, maybe a Hillary paid activist?

Why the hell would a poll from one of these news agencies sworn to defeat Trump have a “reliable” poll?

Get lost and take your damn phony poll with you. Just joined a few days ago. PHONY!

9 posted on 10/23/2016, 8:35:15 AM by ZULU (Where the HELL ARE PAUL RYAN AND MITCH MCCONNELL ?????)

To: GregBo


concerned troll joined 9 days ago !
oct 14 and peddles a dem plus 10 garbage poll ,

slow day at du troll

44 posted on 10/23/2016, 8:45:12 AM by ncalburt

The OP replies :
You are wrong. I am a Trump supporter and I don’t believe any of the MSM polls. I posted several polls on FR since I joined. Do you always get angry and jump to conclusions?
50 posted on 10/23/2016, 8:47:42 AM by GregBo
Was that a trick question?
To: GregBo


Why are you posting this worthless crap here? Why don’t you go back to DU.

54 posted on 10/23/2016, 8:49:01 AM by SamAdams76

To: GregBo
Greg? It’s time to do the honorable thing. We’ll tell your family you fell facing the foe:


86 posted on 10/23/2016, 9:04:11 AM by Byron_the_Aussie (choo choo)
And all this time, I thought “shoot the messenger” was just an expression…
To: GregBo


I’ve had enough of the Debbie Downers polluting this forum with crap polls.

89 posted on 10/23/2016, 9:04:52 AM by SamAdams76

One Freeper tries to inject a little truth :
To: DiogenesLamp
Read his other posts. He does not seem like a troll. 

People here need to knock it off with the troll stuff and pull their heads out of the sand.

Donald Trump, the only candidate I’ve ever sent money to, and I’ve now sent him money on multiple occasions, is losing bigly. I will stand in line however long it takes to cast my vote for Trump/Pence here in the swing state of Florida but it will be for naught. Trump will be defeated. Fifty years of allowing the Democrats to import voters from the Third World is not without consequences.

People think this is the same country that elected Reagan twice. It isn’t. That country is gone. It’s now the same country that elected Obama twice.

Trump will do better than polling indicates but it won’t be enough. This hidden “monster vote” is the stuff of legend, 2016’s version of the “unskewed polls” nonsense we were buying last time around.

It will take divine intervention to put Trump in the White House.

70 posted on 10/23/2016, 8:55:51 AM by Drew68
To: Drew68
Cruzbot? Despair Troll?You need to get out more.

131 posted on 10/23/2016, 9:39:38 AM by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
To: grey_whiskers
You need to get out more.  

That’s my problem. Life was easier when I never left Free Republic, a magical world of unicorns and fairy dust where it’s still Mulberry ( I think he meant “Mayberry” – Tommy ) of 1955.

134 posted on 10/23/2016, 9:42:24 AM by Drew68
More De Nile after the jumpola :


Continue reading “Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – poll position edition”

Tweet Of The Day: David Duke Hearts Julian Assange

I couldn’t figure out how to use an emoji in the post title so I used the word “hearts” to describe David Duke’s man crush on Julian Assange. Dukkke even trades virtual mash notes with Assange’s henchmen: There’s another meme-y love note from the erstwhile Gret Ster Fuhrer to his white savior: Since we’re on the subject of Assange, there’s a fabulous piece at the Daily Beast by one of his former senior aides, James Ball. It turns out that Assange wanted to loot the organization’s treasury to fund his legal defense. Holy messiah complex, Batman. Continue reading Tweet Of The Day: David Duke Hearts Julian Assange

We Don’t Need to Heal. We Need to Win.

Continuing a theme from the last post, HILLZ BABY JUST ENJOY RIGHT NOW OKAY:  Campaign officials stress they are not taking the outcome of the election for granted. But Clinton and her team have begun thinking about how to position their candidate during the postelection period. Long one of the country’s most polarizing political figures, Clinton has begun telling audiences she’ll need their help in healing the country. “I’ve got to figure out how we heal these divides,” she said in a Friday interview with a Tampa radio station WBTP. “We’ve got to get together. Maybe that’s a role that … Continue reading We Don’t Need to Heal. We Need to Win.

Delegitimizing Hillary Already

If Trump won we’d just tear everything down, us liberal rioters:  Still, the need for a clear negative mandate is kind of obvious. Think, for a moment, how the country would be convulsed by a close election. Sure, the Trump people would shout that the system was rigged, and violence would be possible. Violence might be more likely, however, if Trump won, beginning perhaps in our cities and our campuses. Respectable America — our various elites — wouldn’t quietly defer to the legitimacy of a Trump presidency. Imagine what would happen if either candidate won the popular vote and lost … Continue reading Delegitimizing Hillary Already

Saturday Odds & Sods: Just My Imagination

The Legend of John Brown #19 by Jacob Lawrence.

I decided not to whinge about the heat to open the post this week. Why? We’ve had our first genuine cool front of the fall, that’s why. I was tempted to dance in the streets but that would be undignified even for me. I only dance in the streets during Carnival.

This week’s theme song was inspired by last week’s successful fundraiser. Posting the Temptations show and Oscar begging made me want to hear some more sweet, sweet soul music. Ain’t nothing sweeter than hearing Eddie Kendricks croon Just My Imagination (Running Away From Me.) It was written by Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong who specialized in funkier tunes than this lilting soul waltz. They nailed it: Just My Imagination went to number-1 on both the pop and R&B charts.

We begin with the Temptations’ glorious studio version produced by Norman Whitfield:

The Rolling Stones covered Just My Imagination on the 1978 album Some Girls. I’m terribly fond of the live version they did during their 1981 tour, which I saw at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. Here’s a backstage view of the Stones live in the swing state of Arizona:

You may have noticed that I didn’t use the entire title in the post header. There’s method to my madness for a change. There’s also a swell Cranberries song of the same title. Let’s give it a spin:

That video gave me butterflies: Irish butterflies. It’s time to regress from a butterfly to a larval caterpillar. Trust me, I know that’s impossible but I wrote myself into a corner. Guess it’s time to give y’all a break by going to the break.

Continue reading “Saturday Odds & Sods: Just My Imagination”