Today on Holden’s Obsession with the Gaggle

From Holden:

I guess Little Scottie can’t take the heat anymore, since this mornings gaggle was conducted by Terrence Trent d’Uffy.

It seems the president is headed for Florida.

Then he will go to Tampa and have remarks on the war on terror. There are about 500 people in the audience — these are a cross-section of the area. Tickets are distributed like we have for the Louisville, Kentucky event and other events like this. I anticipate that the President will take questions from the audience, much as he did in Kentucky.


Q When you said tickets are distributed in the “usual way,” can you just say what that is?

MR. DUFFY: Sure, through local areas of Chambers of Commerce, government officials, office holders — the same sort of format that we’ve used in the past.

Q You said about 500?

MR. DUFFY: Yes, sir.

Q Any efforts to pick questioners beforehand?

MR. DUFFY: No, ma’am.

The questioners weren’t screened? We shall see, Mr. Duffy, we shall see.