Time To Ring Some Changes

I assume everyone reading this read Athenae’s post announcing her departure from First Draft after 16 glorious years.  I first learned of her intentions in August. She asked if I wanted to become publisher and I agreed. I’ve been in mild denial ever since hoping that she’d change her mind and remain as a contributor. I respect and support her decision. I try not to tell people I care about what to do or think. I reserve that for public figures.

Allison invited me to join First Draft in September of 2009. I was honored by the invitation and have tried over the years not to disappoint her. I guess I haven’t since she’s passing the baton to me. I’ll try not to drop it.

I’ve often referred to the Athenae-Adrastos combination as fire and ice. That’s why it worked so well. Other writers came and went but First Draft went on. In my case on and on and on…

For the moment, it’s down to Tommy T, Michael F, and me. I don’t believe in change for change’s sake so any changes will be organic and gradual. I will frequently ask myself WWAD: What would Athenae do? Following her example should keep the doors open and the posts lively.

In the spirit of WWAD, I’d like to ask our readers for their help. If anyone out there is interested in becoming an occasional or even regular contributor, leave a comment or drop me an email at peathas@bellsouth.net. I’ve slowly but surely added some guest writers and hope they’ll contribute as well.

The goes for people who have written here in the past. If you want to dust off your blogging shoes, you’re always welcome to return. One thing is certain: I don’t want First Draft to become a boy’s club.

Finally, I’d like to thank Allison for all the great writing over the last 16 years. It’s been a thrill riding in the crack van and riding out various storms together. Thanks for entrusting me with your baby.

Sorry to disappoint anyone looking for Album Cover Art Wednesday. It’s playing hooky today.

The last word goes to Richard Thompson and the Albion Band:

2 thoughts on “Time To Ring Some Changes

  1. Congratulations! I know you’ll do fine. I will miss the hell out of Athenae’s contributions, but as I told her, you do you.

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