Saturday Odds & Sods: Blood and Roses

Birdmen by Max Ernst.

I took my first foray away from Adrastos World HQ yesterday morning to see my doctor. During my hospitalization, I was criticized for not having a primary care physician. That ended yesterday.

My new doctor was a member of the team that took such good care of me when I was so very sick; she was the standout among an excellent group of medicos. The medical system worked for a change: It gave me the right doctor to help me move past this crisis and back to health. It will require patience on the part of the patient. So it goes.

I was exhausted by my brief return to the world, which meant I didn’t have the energy to write a post to meet my internal deadline of midnight. I hope to be able to get back to the normal Odds & Sods combination of mirth, literary mayhem, and satirical nonsense sometime next month. For the time being, this feature will serve as a way to update my condition to our readers.

First Draft has always been a special place. The connection between our writers and readers is real and deep. It’s important to me to share some of what I’m going through to continue and further that connection. I hope that wasn’t too icky. I’ve been on the gushy and emotional side as I recover. Don’t worry: I can still kick ass with the best of them. I’m coming for The Clownfish DBA Jeff Landry as soon as I am able.

My recovery is going to be slow. I lost a lot of blood and suffered some trauma to my body when I fell and whacked my head. I was lucky: there were no broken bones just bruises to my pride. I’m going to be fine; I just have to slow my life down to a crawl so I can run again as it were.

I mentioned the temporary transition of this feature into my sick bed chronicles. As a part of that plan, such as it is, I’m using the same Max Ernst featured image that adorned my Bayou Brief column, 13th Ward Rambler. I’m also going to use blood tunes as theme songs for the duration of my recovery. It’s not much of a plan but it’s mine all mine.

That was a longwinded way of concluding this week’s post with the theme song. The last word goes to The Smithereens.




5 thoughts on “Saturday Odds & Sods: Blood and Roses

  1. I am very happy you are “kicking ass!” Don’t bother taking names, though, there are too many out there who do not deserve the recognition! I have had a primary care physician for many years and a good one is literally a lifesaver! A year ago, mine put me through a battery of tests on my thyroid because he sensed something. I ended up with a complete removal of my thyroid and some surrounding tissue. Yup, cancer! But, I’m in remission and my endocrinologist says my prognosis is outstanding! When you have a primary care, they know you. I used to think the appointments every 3 months were excessive, but catching that cancer early proves it was worth it! Hooray for your recovery…stay on that journey to health!! 😃✊

  2. For heaven’s sake take care of yourself, posts are fine when you feel like it, we want you around for a LONG TIME!!!

    1. Thanks for your good wishes. Writing in short bursts is part of my recovery. It’s continuing my 18 year long conversation with my readers, which is important for my morale.

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