Joe Lieberman: Icky, Not Mavericky

Political nerds Graham and Lieberman hanging out with cool kid John McCain.

I hadn’t planned to write about Joe Lieberman’s death but the mainstream media made me do it. The tributes to this pompous mook drove me off the fence. So, write I must. Damn you, NYT.

Joe Lieberman is precisely the sort of politician I cannot abide. Even when I agreed with him, his sanctimonious style put me off. That’s why I called him Holy Joe.

The MSM’s presentation of Holy Joe’s 2008 apostasy compelled me to write this post. He did not support John McCain out of principle but because of cronyism. Like fellow political nerd, Lindsey Graham, Liberman fed off John McCain’s cool kid persona. Joe Lieberman was never cool, but he wasn’t as sycophantic as the nerd from the Palmetto State. Then again, who is?

Holy Joe was out of the headlines until he helped found No Labels;  a typical dick move by Lieberman to win plaudits from the punditocracy. They like politicians who fight with their own party. They think it’s mavericky and courageous. That’s why they like the likes of Joes Lieberman and Manchin. Holy Joe was never quite as bad as the Man of La Manchin, but he was equally annoying because he turned everything into a sermon and a moral lesson. Ugh, just ugh.

Repeat after me: Joe Lieberman was Icky, Not Mavericky.

Am I the only one who remembers how undisciplined Lieberman was during the 2000 post-election controversy? He made several comments that were helpful to Team Bush, not his own side. Joe Lieberman would have been a terrible Veep because he was not a team player, pompous egomaniacs rarely are.

I was raised not to speak ill of the dead, but reading what a great guy Lieberman was made my blood boil. Damn you, NYT.

Repeat after me: Joe Lieberman was Icky, Not Mavericky.

The last word goes to Jimi Hendrix:



3 thoughts on “Joe Lieberman: Icky, Not Mavericky

  1. Whiny Joe was actively campaigning for Republicans at the state level in Florida during the 2000 campaign, as I recall.

  2. I was thinking another one bites the dust would be a good song but I do still have that vein of newsroom humor slithering through my veins

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